Thywis / Awesome-CoreML-Models

The largest list of unique Core ML models. PRs welcomes for new models.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Core ML Models

Awesome PRs Welcome

There are many Core ML examples available, but very few unique models. With this repo, we collect the largest list of unique CoreML models, so developer can experiment machine learning techniques. If you've converted a Core ML model and is willing to share it with people, feel free to submit a PR here.


Collections of unique Core ML models

  • MobileNet Detects the dominant objects present in an image. DEMO DOWNLOAD
  • Places205-GoogLeNet - Detects the scene of an image from 205 categories such as bedroom, forest, coast etc.
  • Inception v3 - Detects the dominant objects present in an image.
  • ResNet50 - Detects the dominant objects present in an image.
  • VGG16 - Detects the dominant objects present in an image.
  • Car Recognition - Recognize the car models from images.
  • YOLO - Recognize what the objects are inside a given image and also where they are in the image.
  • FacesVisionDemo - Recognize age, gender and emotion from images of faces.
  • MNIST - Predict handwritten (drawn) digits from images.
  • Sentiment Polarity - Predict positive or negative sentiments from sentences.
  • Nested Edge Detection - Detect edges from a color image.
  • SentimentVision - Predict positive or negative sentiments from images.
  • Food101 - Predict the type of foods from images.
  • Oxford102 - Detect the type of flowers from images.
  • FlickrStyle - Detect the artistic style of images.
  • Gender Detector - Detect whether a name is for male or female.
  • Artists Recommendation - Recommend a artist based on given location and genre.
  • Linear Regressor from Sklearn - A linear regression model from Sklearn examples.

The gold

Collections of machine learning models that could be converted to Core ML


The largest list of unique Core ML models. PRs welcomes for new models.

License:MIT License