threema-ch / threema-web

The Threema Web application.

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Statusbar display and hiding shakes the message pane

pgab opened this issue · comments


Bug Description

The status bar on top keeps changing its status (might be a different issue why it keeps appearing and disappearing and changing color so often). But since it does not only change the color and due to the transition that you are using it:

  • makes the message pane moving up and down (hide and show of the status bar), which kind of throws me off while writing and reading messages,
  • produces headache since the transition seems not be as smooth as wished (at least on my system: Ubuntu 20.04, nvidia-driver-440, XFCE, Google Chrome Version 80.0.3987.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)).

I also keep getting those in the developer tools:

logger.ts:60             [Status-C] Connection lost (iOS). Reconnect attempt #1
logger.ts:60          [WebClient-S] Stopping (reason=stop, send=true, close=false, connectionBuildupState=push)
logger.ts:60          [WebClient-S] Initializing (keyStore=yes, peerTrustedKey=yes, resume=true)
logger.ts:60    [AppRemoteProtocol] Public key: 58fc21764f4e4855f78922811d5b4df58a1c6c9dec37d2b87ba6ae0d46d00b31
logger.ts:60             [Status-C] Connection lost (iOS). Reconnect attempt #2

angular.js?v=2.3.6:15570 TypeError: Cannot read property 'permanentSharedKey' of null
    at InitiatorSignaling.get$$1 (saltyrtc-client.es5.js?v=2.3.6:1984)
    at SaltyRTC.get$$1 (saltyrtc-client.es5.js?v=2.3.6:3293)
    at _e.reconnectIos (status.ts:115)
    at _e.onStateChange (status.ts:54)
    at status.ts:19
    at Scope.$eval (angular.js?v=2.3.6:19396)
    at Scope.$apply (angular.js?v=2.3.6:19495)
    at u.<anonymous> (status.ts:18)
    at u.t._call (base-event.js:161)
    at u._call (async-event.js:131)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open
  2. Have a flaky internet connection (possibly) or anything which keeps changing the status

Potential Solution

  1. Remove the transition
  2. Changing color of the statusbar seems enough, or place a container which has the same size

Your Environment

  • Threema Web version: 2.3.6 Säntis
  • Threema App version: 4.5.1 (2525)
  • Browser name and version: Google Chrome Version 80.0.3987.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • Computer operating system and version: Ubuntu 20.04, nvidia-driver-440, XFCE
  • Smartphone operating system and version: iOS 13.3.1, iPhone SE

I created a bookmarklet "Fix Threema Web" with the following code:
So you can remove the motion sickness status bar with a click. Much better to use now :-)