threema-ch / threema-web

The Threema Web application.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Instructions Don't Work for Windows 10

hugoender opened this issue · comments

Bug Description

Build instructions on Threema Github do not work for Windows 10.

If you try to use the export command, you get the following error: 'export' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

If you ignore the export steps or use git-bash to allow you to use export the next issue you run into is that npm run app:build:web does not seem to create the app/dependencies/threema-web/release directory that it needs to create for the next step to work. So when you send ./tools/patches/ it gives the following error: ./tools/patches/ line 10: cd: app/dependencies/threema-web/release/threema-web-2.4.1/: No such file or directory

Please update the build instructions to include Windows specific instructions.

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. Open command prompt in Windows 10 and send export DEV_ENV=development. You will get the first error.
  2. Switch to Git-Bash and then follow the remaining steps up until and including sending npm run app:build:web
  3. Check for app/dependencies/threema-web/release and notice that it's not there.
  4. Move on to the next step and send ./tools/patches/ and get the second error stating the directory is missing.

Your Environment

  • Computer operating system and version: Windows 10

Was able to use a Raspberry Pi to follow the steps up until and including npm run app:build:web. It worked fine on the Raspberry Pi and so I transferred the release directory it created to my windows machine and continued with the process. When I got to the last step and sent npm run electron:package:$TARGET_PKG:consumer I got the following Error:

We don't support Windows for building Threema Web. If you want to build Threema Web on Windows, use WSL.

Also, your issue seems to be about Threema Desktop, not Threema Web?

Your issue might be that you forgot to clone recursively? Try git submodule init followed by git submodule update. If that doesn't help, please contact the support as suggested here:

This issue is indeed about Threema Desktop but the Desktop repo didn't have an Issues section and I didn't want to create yet another forum account so figured this was the next beset thing. Thank you for the suggestions. Will try WSL.

Using Ubuntu WSL worked great! Thank you!