thrbr84 / godot_TBP_GrassPath2D

Godot interactive grass with path2D

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Improvement] Chunk System

nonunknown opened this issue · comments

Have to say this plugin is awesome.

Low fps Issues with low-end machines

Solution proposal
Maybe adding a chunk system , for example, stoping out-of-screen grass with visibilitynotifier, and group by chunks which one will interact and not.

@nonunknown thank you very much for the suggestion, I will do some tests with the VisibilityNotifier, I don't know if we will have a performance increase because I already used it at the beginning.

All "leafs" have the "Physics Process" disabled, even those that are visible on the screen, they are activated only when there is an interaction, and even so within the "maxProcess" defined as a parameter, for example: if the "maxProcess" is equal to 3 .. only 3 "leafs" will have "physics_process" activated while there is interaction, and after the interaction is over they will go back off.

interesting, didnt know that! , Also I will do test on 3d enviroments, using a 2d in 3d technique and share results

Cool, I'm curious about the results! Thanks

Improvements will be available on the next version