thrasher-corp / gocryptotrader

A cryptocurrency trading bot and framework supporting multiple exchanges written in Golang.

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Error: ITBIT: pair config format is nil

kunallimaye opened this issue · comments

New Issue

Starting gocryptotrader with default config fails on the second attempt.
First attempt is successful - stop the service using Ctrl+C. And the next attempt to start fails with the following error:

Error: ITBIT: pair config format is nil


OS GoCryptoTrader version
macOS Sonoma Version 14.3 GoCryptoTrader v0.1 arm64 go1.21.6 pre-release

Expected Behavior

Second attempt to start the bot/service should be successful

Current Behavior

What is the current behavior?

Failure Information (for bugs)

❯ gocryptotrader 

   ______        ______                     __        ______                  __
  / ____/____   / ____/_____ __  __ ____   / /_ ____ /_  __/_____ ______ ____/ /___   _____
 / / __ / __ \ / /    / ___// / / // __ \ / __// __ \ / /  / ___// __  // __  // _ \ / ___/
/ /_/ // /_/ // /___ / /   / /_/ // /_/ // /_ / /_/ // /  / /   / /_/ // /_/ //  __// /
\____/ \____/ \____//_/    \__, // .___/ \__/ \____//_/  /_/    \__,_/ \__,_/ \___//_/
GoCryptoTrader v0.1 arm64 go1.21.6 pre-release.
This version is pre-release and is not intended to be used as a production ready trading framework or bot - use at your own risk.
Copyright (c) 2014-2024 The GoCryptoTrader Developers.


2024/01/31 13:41:03 Loading config file /Users/someuser/.gocryptotrader/config.json..
2024/01/31 13:41:03 Unable to initialise bot engine. Error: failed to load config. Err: fatal error checking config values. Error: ITBIT: pair config format is nil

Steps to Reproduce

Please provide detailed steps for reproducing the issue.

  1. Start the service first time
    # Copy the config file
    cp config_example.json ~/.gocryptotrader/config.json
  2. Stop the service by pressing Ctrl+C
  3. Starting the server second time fails
    # reuse the previously created config file

It seems like requestFormat and configFormat is missing for ITBIT exchange when the config is saved during step (2)?

Yeah the default currencyPairs config for ITBIT exchange is:

   "currencyPairs": {
    "bypassConfigFormatUpgrades": false,
    "requestFormat": {
     "uppercase": true
    "configFormat": {
     "uppercase": true
    "useGlobalFormat": true,
    "lastUpdated": 1591062026,
    "pairs": {
     "spot": {
      "assetEnabled": null,
      "enabled": "XBTUSD,XBTSGD",
      "available": "XBTUSD,XBTSGD"

And requestFormat and configFormat go missing after the config file is saved during shutdown. Config after shutdown:

   "currencyPairs": {
    "bypassConfigFormatUpgrades": false,
    "lastUpdated": 1591062026,
    "pairs": {
     "spot": {
      "assetEnabled": true,
      "enabled": "XBTUSD,XBTSGD",
      "available": "XBTUSD,XBTSGD"

Thanks for reporting this. Will get a proper fix for this shortly but for now you can edit the config for Itbit as follows:

   "currencyPairs": {
    "bypassConfigFormatUpgrades": false,
    "lastUpdated": 1591062026,
    "requestFormat": {
     "uppercase": true
    "configFormat": {
     "uppercase": true,
     "delimiter": "-"
    "useGlobalFormat": true,
    "pairs": {
     "spot": {
      "assetEnabled": true,
      "enabled": "XBT-USD,XBT-SGD",
      "available": "XBT-USD,XBT-SGD"