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caseStrategy doesn't affect DU case names

olivercoad opened this issue · comments


Using auto coders, the caseStrategy parameter doesn't work for discriminated union case names.


#r "nuget:Thoth.Json.Net"
open Thoth.Json.Net
type Direction2 = Up | Down | Left | Right
let inline encoder<'T> = Encode.Auto.generateEncoder<'T>(caseStrategy = CamelCase)
printfn "%s" (encoder Left |> Encode.toString 4)

Expected "left" but result is "Left"


The docs say

Decode.Auto helpers accept an optional argument caseStrategy that applies to keys

and DU case names are values in the json not keys, so I guess it's technically not a bug, but it's not what I'd expected.

Hello @olivercoad,

as you found caseStrategy control the keys. It only has effect on the record properties.

If your DUs case don't have any argument, you can convert it into a [<StringEnum>] in Fable.

The rules applied to the string enum attributes will be respected:

testCase "Encode.Auto.toString works with [<StringEnum>]" <| fun _ ->
let expected = "\"firstPerson\""
let actual = Encode.Auto.toString(0, Camera.FirstPerson)
equal expected actual
testCase "Encode.Auto.toString works with [<StringEnum(CaseRules.LowerFirst)>]" <| fun _ ->
let expected = "\"react\""
let actual = Encode.Auto.toString(0, Framework.React)
equal expected actual
testCase "Encode.Auto.toString works with [<StringEnum(CaseRules.None)>]" <| fun _ ->
let expected = "\"Fsharp\""
let actual = Encode.Auto.toString(0, Language.Fsharp)
equal expected actual
testCase "Encode.Auto.toString works with [<StringEnum>] + [<CompiledName>]" <| fun _ ->
let expected = "\"C#\""
let actual = Encode.Auto.toString(0, Language.Csharp)
equal expected actual

If you never used String enum here is the types definitions used in the test above:


Lines 252 to 268 in 7f6b448

type Camera =
| FirstPerson
| ArcRotate
| IsometricTopDown
type Framework =
| React
| VueJs
type Language =
| Fsharp
| [<CompiledName("C#")>] Csharp


Thanks, that works for my use case.

Closing as if a DU has arguments preventing use of StringEnum, then it probably needs a custom encoder anyway if it needs to conform to an existing API spec.