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Search by unicode

grimen opened this issue · comments

Was finding myself a few times trying to enter Unicode (Hex) value into the search field, but don't get any results. Would be great if this was possible to reverse-lookup icons like that, especially when debugging.

I am not sure how Algolia Search works with regards to field indexing, but could not see anything in the code that made me believe I could create a pull request - probably Algolia Dashboard thing?

Related: This cross-browser client full text search engine is pretty impressive performance wise, in case that would be a case:

Algolia handles emojis out-of-the-box actually :) so if you search for 🔍 Algolia automatically expand it to magnifying glass

We could definitely add an extra attribute in every record with the Hex value to be able to retrieve them using like 1F50D (

@grimen would be like to try a PR?

@redox The Hex Unicode value is already in the uploaded search index batch.json records, so I would assume only and index on that field is missing?

@redox The Hex Unicode value is already in the uploaded search index batch.json records, so I would assume only and index on that field is missing?

Oh yeah, so it's only about configuration :)

We just need to include unicode in the array of attributes to index (probably last in the array, to consider it less important than name & tags): (

index.setSettings({ 'attributesToIndex' : ["name", "tags", "unicode"], 'customRanking' : ["asc(name)"], 'queryType' : 'prefixAll' });

Hadn't considered the use case of searching by unicode hex for debugging, but seems easy enough to add. Would be happy to accept a PR on this.

@thomaspark I could fix it, but how do I do it? From Algolia docs it sounds like it is a dashboard thing. I cannot find anything in the code that says what is indexed or not, because the unicode hex is definitely already in the content unescaped (which it should be).

@grimen you just need to update the "attributesToIndex" array like I copy/pasted you -> the settings are applied through the API (no need of the dashboard).

@redox Oh sorry, I must have been blind today because I neither noticed your comment or the attributesToIndex line in the code. Simple fix in other words.

Copying question from the PR #65 to have discussion here:

@redox, is there a way to set fuzziness per attribute? I think it's preferable to have exact matching on hex searches.

@thomaspark Good point, that would be useful.

@redox Any input?

Super late on this; replied here

Thanks @redox! This is exactly what I was hoping for.

@redox, I ran into a couple of issues:

When I change the index settings programmatically, it isn't reflected in the web dashboard. In fact, it seems to reset whatever I had manually set in dashboard. Any idea why this might be the case? I'm using v2 of algoliasearch library.

I set disableTypoToleranceOnAttributes for unicode, and also tried allowTyposOnNumericTokens to false. While the matched set is different, it still includes fuzzy matches (e.g., for "f030", it also matches "f00a", "f001", "f03a", etc).

I was able to temporarily bypass these issues by setting minWordSizefor1Typo to 5 in the dashboard.

Any help would be appreciated!

That's weird @thomaspark :/ And right now the index is totally un-configured. In which branch do you work? Can I see the associated code? The one here looks fine.

It's pretty much unchanged from that, except for one line:

'disableTypoToleranceOnAttributes': ["unicode"],