thomasloven / lovelace-card-mod

🔹 Add CSS styles to (almost) any lovelace card

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Cards Loading Slower in card-mod 3.4.1

Anashost opened this issue · comments

My Home Assistant version:

2023.12.4 / 2024.1.2

My lovelace configuration method (GUI or yaml):


What I expected to happen:

how card used to load in Card-mod 3.4.0

What happened instead:

how cards are loading in Card-mod 3.4.1
same issue in android HA app and browser (tested chrome/ brave)

Minimal steps to reproduce:

yaml of the cards above:

Note: the slowness is only visible in a crowded page.

type: custom:stack-in-card
  style: |
    ha-card {
       {% if is_state('group.office_lights', 'on') %}
       background: rgba(255, 152, 0, 0.1);
       {% endif %}
mode: vertical
  outer_padding: false
  - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        mushroom-shape-icon$: |
          @keyframes ping {
            0% { box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(var(--rgb-{{ config.icon_color }}), 0.7); }
            100% { box-shadow: 0 0 5px 15px transparent; }
        .: |
          mushroom-shape-icon {
            --icon-size: 76px;
            display: flex;
            margin: -20px 0px 0px -20px !important;
          ha-card {
            clip-path: inset(0 0 0 0 round var(--ha-card-border-radius, 12px));
    primary: Office
    secondary: ''
    icon: mdi:bed
    layout: horizontal
    entity: group.office_lights
    icon_color: |-
      {% if is_state('group.office_lights','on')%}
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: office
      action: toggle
      action: none
    badge_color: ''
    badge_icon: ''
    fill_container: true
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:button-card
          action: none
          - operator: default
            color: grey
          - value: 'on'
            color: orange
        icon: mdi:lightbulb-group
        entity: group.office_lights
            - width: 19px
            - position: relative
              - border-radius: 50%
              - position: absolute
              - left: 50%
              - top: 3%
              - height: 20px
              - width: 20px
              - font-size: 10px
              - line-height: 20px
              - font-weight: bold
            - border-radius: 50%
            - width: 40px
            - height: 40px
          notification: |
               if (states['sensor.office_lights_of_count'].state == '0')
                return ' '
               return `${states['sensor.office_lights_of_count'].state}`
        name: ' '
      - type: custom:button-card
          - value: 'on'
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        entity: sensor.office_temperature
            - color: |
                    return `${states['sensor.office_temp_color'].state}`
            - width: 15px
            - position: relative
            - top: 4px
            - right: 12px
            - border-radius: 80%
            - width: 40px
            - height: 40px
            - color: white
            - font-size: 10px
            - position: relative
            - bottom: 10px
            - left: 5px
            - font-weight: bold
        name: |
            if (states['sensor.office_temperature'].state == 'unknown')
             return '-'
            return `${states['sensor.office_temperature'].state}°`

Error messages from the browser console:


300 lines of code is not a minimal working example.
Besides, 3 custom cards here...

300 lines of code is not a minimal working example. Besides, 3 custom cards here...

yaml reduced

(unrelated to the issue):

return `${states['sensor.office_lights_of_count'].state}`

should be just

return states['sensor.office_lights_of_count'].state;

And in JS it is needed to use ";" in places like this:

            if (...)
             return '-'
            return `${states['sensor.office_temperature'].state}°`

@ildar170975 It's working fine the way I've configured it.

Doing this:

should be just

return states['sensor.office_lights_of_count'].state;

Resulted an error:
Screenshot_20240108_192947_Home Assistant

It's working fine the way I've configured it.

Not gonna convince you. But check the docs, ask in button-card threads etc.
The major thing is that to sort out any issues with card-mod you should have cleared all your other code first.

Sorry i don't mean you're wrong, but it didn't work that way for me, i made those cards over a year ago, so maybe card-mod/button-card changed a little over time.

The things I were talking about are only button-card-related.
To sort out any problems we need to simplify/localize/exclude any other options.

Button-card is at least 3 years same in part of JS...

Ive just edited my comment

You're right, but i thought if the card works and no errors in HA or in browser inspection, then everything is alright 🤔

then everything is alright

unfortunately, could be not in general.

Yeah, sometimes it's a pain to debug some issues.

For now i will stick to version Card-mod 3.4.0 as it doesn't lead to slowness in rendering the card and icons. Hopefully others may notice similar issue to mine and report to get it fixed.

I experience the same with card-mod 3.4.1
I can now see the style being applied. With 3.4.0 it was instant.
I might be that the page loads faster now, but with 3.4.1 I see some cards changing after the page loads.

I'm using card-mod with the minimalist theme/button-card.

Yeah, it's s mostly the icons and buttons like button-card that are taking longer to load, and make loading feels laggy.

Same issue here. I use mod-card to have a fixed height and background color of layout card (which doesn't have card element itself, so need mod-card). I use it to create my own header card. It loads up and in a splitseconds I see it get the correct size. Definitely a noticeable downgrade and looks horrible when switching from tabs. I reverted back to 3.4.0, which works normal.

I hope this can get fixed.