thomaslepoix / Qucs-RFlayout

Export Qucs RF schematics to KiCad layouts & OpenEMS scripts

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Build issues with Qt 5.12.4 Windows MinGW

bvernoux opened this issue · comments

I have encountered multiple compilation issues with actual master (tested with commit 32db3cb) when using QtCreator with MinGW64 (tested with QtCreator 4.10.1 & Qt 5.12.4 on Windows7 SP1 64bits)

  1. First main issue is a conflict with some reserved define
#define _X		0
#define _Y		1

Those define return a compiler error as they are reserved keywords ...
I have fixed that by doing a refactor(in whole code) on those two constants renamed to EL_X & EL_Y I'm pretty sure we could find a better name ...

Note: I confirm such issue is mainly with recent Qt with Windows and there is not such issue on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS when I have built the project.

After that all build (I have just removed LIBS += -lglut -lGLU in the
I have not done lot of tests so far and I plan to check all work fine
Anyway it will be great to fix those small issues in order to rebuild the project with Qt on Window ...
Just a last word congratulations & thanks for that amazing tool !


have you a cloned repo with the fix?
which are the requisites to build it? I'm using a Msys2 chain to build kicad...

I have done other fixes I will push them in my repo if you are interested as so far the author does not answer

I have pushed my fixes #2
Anyway feedback is welcome on my side all work fine with Windows7 SP1 Qt Creator 4.10.1 + Qt 5.12.4 MinGW 64-bit

Oh sorry, I didn't see your issue! Thank you, I am not a Windows user so your feedback is totally welcome. I personally use GCC or clang on Ubuntu.

About defines, I planned to make them enums. I will take a look at your fixes soon! :)

Also I'm very impatient to see the OpenEMS integration as today it is very hard to use OpenEMS (even if seems very interesting)

Issue fixed since #2 is merged

Thank you! If you have some suggestions about your experience with OpenEMS and features you would find useful, I'm open :)

I just dream to use OpenEMS with a GUI (like the Demo is amazing) as so far it is so complex to do all by script/python (see with some obscure parameters ...
Also an other project similar to OpenEMS seems really amazing it will be great to check if it is easier to integrate versus OpenEMS and also to compare them in accuracy ... especially for EM simulation related to PCB microstrip designs...
I would be happy to discuss about that with you through Email or IRC Freenode chan #hydrabus

@bvernoux I am there if any help is needed for that. Sparselizard has been used this year to simulate a full 3D patch antenna EM wave propagation with > 30 million degrees of freedom in under 30 min on a desktop computer type machine. There is mostly everything available that any person doing EM simulations could expect (S-parameters and PMLs are missing but that's an easy task to add, it requires no code change, just to find the right math) + extra tools like hp-adaptivity are available, and that can be very convenient. Also, nonlinear EM wave propagation was tested this year as well as EM waves through lossy ferrite materials.
DDM has also been added this year to deal with large scale EM problems and other problems on // computer clusters.