thomasjwebb / haxe-files

A haxelib for cross-platform filesystem operations.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

haxe-files - cross-platform filesystem operations

Build Status Release License

  1. What is it?
  2. The Path class
  3. The File class
  4. The Dir class
  5. File watching
  6. Installation
  7. Using the latest code
  8. License

What is it?

A haxelib for consistent cross-platform filesystem operations and proper Windows-/Unix-style path handling.

All classes are located in the package hx.files or below.,

The library has been extensively unit tested (over 500 individual test cases) on the targets C++, C#, HashLink, Java, JavaScript (Node.js and PhantomJS), Neko, PHP 5, PHP 7 and Python 3.

Requires Haxe 3.4 or higher.


The Path class

Instances of the hx.files.Path class represent the path to a file or directory on the local file system.

There exist two implementations: one for Windows path (using backslash as directory separator) and one for Unix/Linux style paths (using slash as directory separator).

package com.example;

import hx.files.*;

class MyClass {

    static function main() {
        var p = Path.of("./mydir/myfile.txt");   // constructing a path compatible with the local operating/file-system
        var p = Path.unix("/mydir/myfile.txt");     // constructing a Unix-style path
        var p ="C:\\mydir\\myfile.txt"); // constructing a Windows-style path

        p.filename;      // returns "myfile.txt"
        p.filenameExt;   // returns "txt"
        p.filenameStem;  // returns "myfile"
        p.isAbsolute;    // returns true
        p.isFile();      // returns true
        p.isDirectory(); // returns false
        p.exists();      // returns true or false depending on physical existance of the path
        p.parent;        // returns Path object pointing to "C:\\mydir"

The File class

Instances of the hx.files.File class represent regular files on the local file system.

package com.example;

import hx.files.*;

class MyClass {

    static function main() {

        var f = Path.of("mydir/myfile.txt").toFile(); // converting a Path instance to a File instance
        var f = File.of("mydir/myfile.txt");          // creating a File instance from a String path

        f.touch();                // create an empty file or update the modification timestamp
        f.writeString("Hello ");  // sets the file's content

        f.size(); // returns the file size

        f.copyTo("mydir/myfile2.txt");               // throws an exception if myfile2.txt exists already
        f.copyTo("mydir/myfile2.txt", [OVERWRITE]);  // replaces myfile2.txt if it exists already

        f.delete();  // deletes the file

        var f2 = f.moveTo("otherdir/MY_FILE.txt");
        f.exists();  // returns false
        f2.exists(); // returns true

The Dir class

Instances of the hx.files.Dir class represent directories on the local file system.

package com.example;

import hx.files.*;

class MyClass {

    static function main() {

        var d = Path.of("myproject").toDir(); // converting a Path instance to a Dir instance
        var d = Dir.of("myproject");          // creating a Dir instance from a String path

        p.setCWD();    // changes the current working directory
        d.listDirs();  // returns an array of Dir instances for contained directories (non-recursive)
        d.listFiles(); // returns an array of File instances for contained files (non-recursive)

        d.findFiles("src/**/*.hx");          // returns an array with all Haxe files in the src dir
        d.findFiles("assets/**/*.{js,css}"); // returns an array with all JS/CSS files in the assets dir

        // recursively visit all contained files and directories
           function(file) {
           function(dir) {

        d.copyTo("myproject2");                     // recursively copy the directory
        d.copyTo("myproject2", [OVERWRITE]);        // delete myproject2 and recursively copy the directory
        d.copyTo("myproject2", [MERGE]);            // merge the files and folders into myproject2 but skip conflicting files
        d.copyTo("myproject2", [MERGE, OVERWRITE]); // merge the files and folders into myproject2 and replace conflicting files

        d.delete(true);  // recursively delete the directory

File watching

Implementations of the hx.files.watcher.FileWatcher interface allow you to monitor the file system for create/delete/change events.

The hx.files.watcher.PollingFileWatcher class scans the file system in intervalls to recursively determine file changes. This is a rather inefficient way but works cross-target.

With Java7 or higher the hx.files.watcher.JavaFileWatcher based on WatcherService is available. It is more efficient but has some limitations as documented in the source code.

Other target-specific implementations can be provided in the future:

package com.example;

import hx.concurrent.executor.Executor;
import hx.files.*;
import hx.files.watcher.*;

class MyClass {

    static function main() {

        var ex = new Executor(); // executor is used to schedule scanning tasks and
        var fw = new PollingFileWatcher(ex, 100 /*polling interval in MS*/);

        // register an event listener
        fw.subscribe(function (event) {
            switch(event) {
                case DIR_CREATED(dir):       trace('Dir created: $dir');
                case DIR_DELETED(dir):       trace('Dir deleted: $dir');
                case DIR_MODIFIED(dir, _):   trace('Dir modified: $dir');
                case FILE_CREATED(file);     trace('File created: $file');
                case FILE_DELETED(file);     trace('File deleted: $file');
                case FILE_MODIFIED(file, _); trace('File modified: $file');
        });"myconfig.cfg"); // watch a file"assets/foo");   // recursively watch a directory

        // do some file modifications...

        // cleanup


  1. install the library via haxelib using the command:

    haxelib install haxe-files
  2. use in your Haxe project

    • for OpenFL/Lime projects add <haxelib name="haxe-files" /> to your project.xml
    • for free-style projects add -lib haxe-files to your *.hxml file or as command line option when running the Haxe compiler

Using the latest code

Using haxelib git

haxelib git haxe-files master D:\haxe-projects\haxe-files

Using Git

  1. check-out the master branch

    git clone --branch master --single-branch D:\haxe-projects\haxe-files
  2. register the development release with haxe

    haxelib dev haxe-doctest D:\haxe-projects\haxe-files

Using Subversion

  1. check-out the trunk

    svn checkout D:\haxe-projects\haxe-files
  2. register the development release with haxe

    haxelib dev haxe-files D:\haxe-projects\haxe-files


All files are released under the Apache License 2.0.


A haxelib for cross-platform filesystem operations.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Haxe 86.7%Language:Batchfile 13.3%