ThomasJanda / oxid-productlistslider

Replace existing product sliders with modern swiper implementation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Oxid Product List Slider


Replace existing product sliders with modern swiper implementation.


  1. Copy files into following directory

  2. Add following to composer.json on the shop root

     "autoload": {
         "psr-4": {
             "rs\\productlistslider\\": "./source/modules/rs/productlistslider"
  3. Refresh autoloader files with composer.

     composer dump-autoload
  4. Template changes:

    In the file /var/www/html/oxid6_1_dev/source/Application/views/wave/tpl/widget/product/list.tpl add following:

     [{if $products && !empty($products)}]
         [{* rs-productlistslider start *}]
         [{block name="rs_productlistslider"}]
         [{* rs-productlistslider end *}]
         [{math equation="x / y" x=12 y=$iProductsPerLine assign="iColIdent"}]
         <div class="list-container" id="[{$listId}]">
             [{counter print=false assign="productlistCounter" start=0}]
         [{* rs-productlistslider start *}]
         [{* rs-productlistslider end *}]

    In the file /var/www/html/oxid6_1_dev/source/Application/views/wave/tpl/page/shop/start.tpl add following:

     [{* rs-productslider start *}]
     [{section name=list start=1 loop=10 step=1}]
         [{assign var=id value="rs_productlistslider_"|cat:$smarty.section.list.index}]
         [{assign var=head value=$id|cat:"_head"}]
         [{assign var=subhead value=$id|cat:"_subhead"}]
         [{assign var=list value=$oView->loadActionList($id)}]
         [{if $list}]
             [{include file="widget/product/list.tpl" type="infogrid" head=$head|oxmultilangassign subhead=$subhead|oxmultilangassign:$list->count() listId=$id products=$list showMainLink=true iProductsPerLine=4}]
     [{* rs-productslider end *}]
     [{insert name="oxid_tracker"}]
  5. Execute following SQL statment to add more action lists to the start page

     INSERT INTO `oxactions` (`OXID`, `OXSHOPID`, `OXTYPE`, `OXTITLE`, OXLONGDESC, OXLONGDESC_1, OXLONGDESC_2, OXLONGDESC_3) VALUES ('rs_productlistslider_1', '1', '1', 'Startpage Action List 1','','','','');
     INSERT INTO `oxactions` (`OXID`, `OXSHOPID`, `OXTYPE`, `OXTITLE`, OXLONGDESC, OXLONGDESC_1, OXLONGDESC_2, OXLONGDESC_3) VALUES ('rs_productlistslider_2', '1', '1', 'Startpage Action List 2','','','','');
     INSERT INTO `oxactions` (`OXID`, `OXSHOPID`, `OXTYPE`, `OXTITLE`, OXLONGDESC, OXLONGDESC_1, OXLONGDESC_2, OXLONGDESC_3) VALUES ('rs_productlistslider_3', '1', '1', 'Startpage Action List 3','','','','');
     INSERT INTO `oxactions` (`OXID`, `OXSHOPID`, `OXTYPE`, `OXTITLE`, OXLONGDESC, OXLONGDESC_1, OXLONGDESC_2, OXLONGDESC_3) VALUES ('rs_productlistslider_4', '1', '1', 'Startpage Action List 4','','','','');
     INSERT INTO `oxactions` (`OXID`, `OXSHOPID`, `OXTYPE`, `OXTITLE`, OXLONGDESC, OXLONGDESC_1, OXLONGDESC_2, OXLONGDESC_3) VALUES ('rs_productlistslider_5', '1', '1', 'Startpage Action List 5','','','','');
  6. Enable module in the oxid admin area, Extensions => Modules

  7. Clear template and language cache


Replace existing product sliders with modern swiper implementation

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 86.7%Language:HTML 7.1%Language:SCSS 2.5%Language:Less 2.1%Language:CSS 0.9%Language:PHP 0.3%Language:Python 0.2%Language:Smarty 0.2%