thomased / colour_methods_papers

Papers on methods for the analysis of biological colouration

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Papers on methods for analysing colour in nature

The list is intended to be inclusive in that it'll contain reviews, and empirical papers that offer extensions, novel applications, or tests of assumptions. It may be missing a chunk of human-focused (CIE) work, because that literature is vast. Suggestions welcome via twitter (@tomedwhite, #colsci), email, pull request, etc. If you can't get hold of something, I can probably pass it along.

Akkaynak 2014, Use of spectroscopy for assessment of color discrimination in animal vision

Akkaynak et al. 2014, Use of commercial off-the-shelf digital cameras for scientific data acquisition and scene-specific color calibration

Allen & Higham 2013, Analysing visual signals as visual scenes

Allen & Higham 2015, Assessing the potential information content of multicomponent visual signals: a machine learning approach

Armenta et al. 2008, Quantifying avian sexual dichromatism: a comparison of methods

Backhaus 1991, Color opponent coding in the visual system of the honeybee

Backhaus & Menzel 1987, Color distance derived from a receptor model of color vision in the honeybee

Barnard & Funt 2002, Camera characterization for color research

Bennett et al. 1994, Sexual selection and the mismeasure of color

Brandt & Vorobyev 1997, Metric analysis of threshold spectral sensitivity in the honeybee

Burnham et al. 1957, Prediction of color appearance with different adaptation illuminations

Cassey et al. 2012, Sources of variation in reflectance spectrophotometric data: a quantitative analysis using avian eggshell colours

Cardoso & Gomes 2015 Using reflectance ratios to study animal coloration

Chiao et al. 2009, Visualization of the spatial and spectral signals of orb-weaving spiders, Nephila pilipes, through the eyes of a honeybee

Chittka 1992, The colour hexagon: a chromaticity diagram based on photoreceptor excitations as a generalized representation of colour opponency

Chittka et al. 1992, Opponent color coding is a universal strategy to evaluate the photoreceptor inputs in Hymenoptera

Cole, et al. 1993, Detection mechanisms in L-, M-, and S-cone contrast space

Cuthill et al. 1999, Plumage reflectance and the objective assessment of avian sexual dichromatism

Dalrymple et al. 2014, Roses are red, violets are blue – so how much replication should you do? An assessment of variation in the colour of flowers and birds

Dartnall 1953, The interpretation of spectral sensitivity curves

De Valois & De Valois 1993, A multi-stage color model

Delhey et al. 2014, A practical framework to analyze variation in animal colors using visual models

Dyer 2012, The mysterious cognitive abilities of bees: why models of visual processing need to consider experience and individual differences in animal performance

Endler 1989, On the measurement and classification of colour in studies of animal colour patterns

Endler 2012, A framework for analysing colour pattern geometry: adjacent colours

Endler & Mielke 2005, Comparing entire colour patterns as birds see them

Evans et al. 2010, Age, sex and beauty: methodological dependence of age- and sex-dichromatism in the great tit Parus major

Evans & Sheldon 2015, A spectral perspective on the quantitative genetics of carotenoid colouration

Fleishman et al. 2016, Perceptual distance between colored stimuli in the lizard Anolis sagrei: comparing visual system models to empirical results

Garcia et al. 2014, Flower colours through the lens: quantitative measurement with visible and ultraviolet digital photography

Garcia et al. 2015, Differentiating biological colours with few and many sensors: spectral reconstruction with RGB and hyperspectral cameras

Gerald et al. 2001, Formal method for objective assessment of primate color

Goldsmith 1990, Optimization, constraint, and history in the evolution of eyes

Govardovskii et al. 2000, In search of the visual pigment template

Grill & Rush 2000, Analysing spectral data: comparison and application of two techniques

Hart & Vorobyev 2005, Modelling oil droplet absorption spectra and spectral sensitivities of bird cone photoreceptors

Hastad & Odeen 2008, Different ranking of avian colors predicted by modeling of retinal function in humans and birds

Higham et al 2010, Color signal information content and the eye of the beholder: a case study in the rhesus macaque

Hong et al. 2000, A study of digital camera colorimetric characterization based on polynomial modeling

Hurvich & Jameson 1955, Some quantitative aspects of an opponent-colors theory. II. Brightness, saturation, and hue in normal and dichromatic vision

Hurvich & Jameson 1956, Some quantitative aspects of an opponent-colors theory. IV. A psychological color specification system

Igic et al. 2015, Using 3D printed eggs to examine the egg-rejection behaviour of wild birds

Jameson & Hurvich 1955, Some quantitative aspects of an opponent-colors theory. I. Chromatic responses and spectral saturation

Jameson & Hurvich 1956, Some quantitative aspects of an opponent-colors theory. III. Changes in brightness, saturation, and hue with chromatic adaptation

Jameson & Hurvich 1964, Theory of brightness and color contrast in human vision

Johnsen 2016, How to measure color using spectrometers and calibrated photograph

Judd 1935, A maxwell triangle yielding uniform chromaticity scales

Kelber 1999, Ovipositing butterflies use a red receptor to see green

Kelber 2001, Receptor based models for spontaneous colour choices in flies and butterflies

Kelber et al. 2003, Animal colour vision: behavioural tests and physiological concepts

Kelber & Osorio 2009, From spectral information to animal colour vision: experiments and concepts

Kemp et al. 2008, Ornamental evolution in Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata): insights from sensory processing-based analyses of entire colour patterns

Kemp et al. 2015, An integrative framework for the appraisal of coloration in nature

Lamb 1995, Photoreceptor spectral sensitivities: Common shape in the long-wavelength region

Lehnert et al. 2011, A new method for quantifying color of insects

Lind & Kelber 2009, Avian colour vision: effects of variation in receptor sensitivity and noise data on model predictions as compared to behavioural results

Luo et al. 2001, The development of the CIE 2000 colour-difference formula

Maia et al. 2012, pavo: an R package for the analysis, visualization and organization of spectral data

Maloney & Wandell 1986, Color constancy: a method for recovering surface spectral reflectance

Marin-Franch & Foster 2013, Estimating information from image colors: an application to digital cameras and natural scenes

McLaren 2008, The development of the CIE 1976 (L* a* b*) uniform colour space and colour-difference formula

Meadows et al. 2011, Quantifying iridescent coloration in animals: a method for improving repeatability

Medina et al. 2015, Classification of peacock feather reflectance using principal component analysis similarity factors from multispectral imaging data

Osorio et al. 2004, Detection of fruit and the selection of primate visual pigments for color vision

Parkkinen et al. 1988, Spectral representation of color images

Perex-Rodriguez et al. 2013, Fractal geometry of a complex plumage trait reveals bird’s quality

Pike 2011, Using digital cameras to investigate animal colouration: estimating sensor sensitivity functions

Pike 2012, Preserving perceptual distances in chromaticity diagrams

Pike 2012, Generalised chromaticity diagrams for animals with n-chromatic colour vision

Pike 2015, Modelling eggshell maculation

Renoult et al. 2009, When assumptions on visual system evolution matter: nestling colouration and parental visual performance in birds

Renoult et al. 2013, A novel framework to study colour signalling to multiple species

Renoult et al. 2015, Colour spaces in ecology and evolutionary biology

Romney & Indow 2002, Estimating physical reflectance spectra from human color-matching experiments

Santer 2014, A colour opponent model that explains tsetse fly attraction to visual baits and can be used to investigate more efficacious bait materials

Santos et al. 2007, Strong effects of various incidence and observation angles on spectrometric assessment of plumage colouration in birds

Smith 2014, Quantifying color variation: improved formulas for calculating hue with segment classification

Stevens 2011, Avian vision and egg colouration: concepts and measurements

Stevens et al. 2007, Using digital photography to study animal coloration

Stevens et al. 2009, Studying primate color: towards visual system-dependent methods

Stoddard & Prum 2008, Evolution of avian plumage color in a tetrahedral color space: a phylogenetic analysis of new world buntings

Stoddard & Stevens 2010, Avian vision and the evolution of egg color mimicry in the common cuckoo

Stoddard et al. 2014, Pattern recognition algorithm reveals how birds evolve individual egg pattern signatures

Stokman et al. 2000, Color measurement by imaging spectrometry

Strachan et al. 1990, Calibration of a video camera digitising system in the CIE (Luv) colour space

Taylor et al. 2013, Distance transform: a tool for the study of animal colour patterns

Thomas et al. 2015, Analysing avian eggshell pigments with Raman spectroscopy

Tkalcic et al. 2003, Colour spaces: perceptual, historical and applicational background

Troje 1993, Spectral categories in the learning behaviour of Blowflies

Troscianko & Stevens 2015, Image Calibration and Analysis Toolbox – a free software suite for objectively measuring reflectance, colour and pattern

Van Hateren 1993, Spatial, temporal and spectral pre-processing for colour vision

Van Wijk et al. 2015, A reliable technique to quantify the individual variability of iridescence in birds

Vaquero-Alba et al. 2016, A quantitative analysis of objective feather color assessment: Measurements in the laboratory do not reflect true plumage color

Villafuerte & Negro 2002, Digital imaging for colour measurement in ecological research

Vinther 2015, A guide to the field of palaeo colour

Vorobyev 2003, Coloured oil droplets enhance colour discrimination

Vorobyev et al. 1997 Flowers through insect eyes

Vorobyev & Osorio 1998, Receptor noise as a determinant of colour thresholds

Vorobyev et al. 1998, Tetrachromacy, oil droplets and bird plumage colours

Vorobyev et al., 1999, Colourful objects through animal eyes

Vorobyev et al. 2001, Colour thresholds and receptor noise: behaviour and physiology compared

Vukusic & Stavenga 2009, Physical methods for investigating structural colours in biological systems

Wachtler et al. 2004, Modeling color percepts of dichromats

Wegmann et al. 2015, An evaluation of different methods for assessing eggshell pigmentation and pigment concentration using great tit eggs

White et al. 2015, Reproducible research in the study of biological coloration

Wilkins et al. 2015, Multimodal signalling in the North American barn swallow: a phenotype network approach

Zuk & Decruyenaere 2008, Measuring individual variation in colour: a comparison of two techniques


Papers on methods for the analysis of biological colouration