thmsgbrt / react-simple-pull-to-refresh

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z-index of children issue

joemillervi opened this issue · comments

Hey, great package! This z-index is problematic because it is a global style. It puts the children in the pull to refresh above other stuff on the page (if the other stuff has zindex < 1) Is this needed?


Hi @joemillervi,
I'll give it a loot asap, thanks for the feedbacks!

Hey @joemillervi,
I tried to remember why I initially put it there and I can't really find a justification.
Do you confirm that removing this z-index solves your problem and doesn't create unwanted side-effect?
If so, I'm going to release an update as soon as you answer.

I published 1.2.1, which removes unnecessary z-index.
Now closing this, thanks!