thlorenz / proxyquire

🔮 Proxies nodejs require in order to allow overriding dependencies during testing.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

if the module is not yet in require cache (.noPreserveCache() NOT being used) proxyquire will install the proxied module in require cache

opened this issue · comments

// a.js = function () {require('./b').foo()}
// b.js = function () {console.log('foo');}

// test1.js, prints bar, bar (unexpected)
require('proxyquire')('./a', {'./b': {foo: function () {console.log('bar');}}}).foo();

// test2.js, prints bar, foo (expected)
require('proxyquire')('./a', {'./b': {foo: function () {console.log('bar');}}}).foo();

That's expected, proxyquire uses the normal require cache by default

still feels like a bug, IMHO if the module is not yet in the require cache proxyquire should

option 1) install the original, not yet proxified module in the cache 1st, so that later calls to require can get the unmodified version, and carry on as usual
option 2) leave the cache empty, so that later calls to require can install the original version

anyway, thanks for looking into it