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The React Testing Masterclass

Hi there 👋. My name is Kati Frantz and this is source material for The React Testing Masterclass. Thank you very much for visiting this repository. If you haven't joined the course yet, please visit Testing react to enrol for free.

System requirements

You should be able to verify all these are installed correctly using:

node --version
yarn --version
git --version


Please go through the following steps to run this project locally:

  • 1️⃣ Clone this repository with the command git clone
  • 2️⃣ Install all the dependencies using yarn install.
  • 3️⃣ Start the project in development mode using yarn dev.

Before you watch the first lesson

The lessons in this course are structured in cases. All tests are in the src/__tests__/ folder. The test cases are:

  • 1️⃣ case-1-Checkbox.test.tsx Tests for a custom checkbox component
  • 2️⃣ case-2-ProductTile.test.tsx Tests for the product tile component
  • 3️⃣ case-3-Header.test.tsx Tests for the page header
  • 4️⃣ case-4-ProductStream.test.tsx Tests for the product grid
  • 5️⃣ case-5-FiltersWrapper.test.tsx Tests for the context wrapper for filters
  • 6️⃣ case-6-useFilters.test.tsx Tests for the useFilters custom hook
  • 7️⃣ case-7-useOutsideClick.test.tsx Tests for the useOutsideClick custom hook

To follow along the course,

  • Start by watching the first lesson.
  • Before each lesson, have a look at the case file for that lesson, and attempt writing the test.
  • Proceed to watching the lesson to learn my solution



Language:TypeScript 92.4%Language:JavaScript 4.7%Language:HTML 2.9%