thinktwice13 / swarm-traefik-digitalocean

Traefik + Docker Swarm example with DigitalOcean deployment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Swarm Traefik DigitalOcean

This repo is an example of using Docker Swarm with Traefik reverse proxy and automated deployment to DigitalOcean


  • Infrastructure:
  • Services
    • Minimal Nodejs Express api service with session auth and VSCode debugger
    • Redis (here only as session store)
    • PostgreSQL database with custom initialization scripts and pgadmin
    • React with Nextjs and TypeScript for the frontend. Uses ChakraUI

Run locally

Requires Docker

  • Clone the repo
    git clone
  • Install dependencies:
    cd api && npm i && cd ../web && npm i
  • Run with docker compose from project root
    docker-compose up
  • Open the app on localhost. Api available on localhost/api;
  • Run api and webclient tests from /apiand/websubdirectories withnpm run test`. Will run Jest in --watch mode;



Prepare droplets

  • Create the droplets maually or edit do-config.shand run script (Droplets will be created in the Default DigitalOcean project in DO console);

  • Get manager droplet public IP in DO console or with:

    doctl compute droplet ls
  • SSH into each droplet and adjust ports used by Docker:

      ssh root@$DROPLET_PUBLIC_IP
    # Docker now uses an additional port, 2377, for managing the Swarm. The port should be blocked from public access and only accessed by trusted users and nodes. We recommend using VPNs or private networks to secure access
    ufw allow 2376/tcp
    ufw allow 2377/tcp
    ufw allow 7946/tcp
    ufw allow 7946/udp
    ufw allow 4789/udp
    # sudo ufw allow 22/tcp # Rate limiting by default on port 22
    ufw reload
  • Enable Docker on startup:

    sudo systemctl enable docker.service
    sudo systemctl enable containerd.service

Initialize Docker Swarm

You can do this section by sshing into the droplet or creating a new Docker Context on your machine.

  • Initilize Docker Swarm
    docker swarm init --advertise-addr $MANAGER_DROPLET_PRIVATE_IP
  • Create the overlay network
    docker network create -d overlay web-public
  • If more than one node created, join the worker nodes to the manager

Initial deploy

Docker CLI looks for DOCKER_HOST variable. If not set, it uses unix:///var/run/docker.sock. For remote host set and unset DOCKER_HOST or use Docker Context

  • Setup Swarm Secrets (Only pg_password and cookie_secret used in this example stack);
  • For deployment, use docker stack deploy $APP_NAME -c docker-compose.yaml or use script;
  • For single service updates, use `docker service update --force $SERVICE_NAME (or $SERVICE_ID)

Github Deployment Workflow

  • Set Github Secrets

    # Docker credentials to push updated images
    # DigitalOcean manager droplet user and host (public ip or domain) for ssh
    DO_USER (root)
    # SSH private key used for the ssh connection

NOTE: SSH errors

If you get Permission denied (publickey) error while trying to ssh into a node:


Traefik + Docker Swarm example with DigitalOcean deployment

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 66.3%Language:Shell 14.3%Language:Dockerfile 11.7%Language:JavaScript 7.8%