thinkclay / FlourishUI

A highly configurable and out-of-the-box-pretty UI library

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Can't get it working in my app - no errors, just no modal display either

jakeatwork opened this issue · comments

Ran the pod install and it's in my project fine, but with this block of code on a button and the import FlourishUI, nothing is happening. I do register a button click on print, but this is very basic setup...

@IBAction func showModalButtonTapped(sender: UIButton) {

        print("This button actually works")
        let title = "TESTING PLEASE"
        let body = "This is the body copy."
        Modal(title: title, body: body, status: .Success).show()

Any ideas? There are no errors, just no modal displaying. Am I missing something?


That all looks fine. My only hunch is that it's an issue with how you're calling the View Controller. Are you using a segue or display modally?

Here's my own implementation in a working product. Also triggered from an IBAction and it works correctly.

  @IBAction func saveForm(sender: AnyObject)
    // Save the entry to the local database
    let entry = RemoteEntry(title: titleInput.text!, body: bodyInput.text, mood: feelingButton.tag)

    entry.create() { success, message, error in
      // Reset and clear the form if it saved
      if success
        Modal(title: "Saved Entry", body: "Your entry has been saved to iCloud", status: .Success).show()

        self.feelingButton.setTitle("select", forState: .Normal)
        self.feelingButton.setTitleColor(AppHelper.colors.cta, forState: .Normal)
        self.bodyInput.text = nil
        Modal(title: "iCloud Error", body: message, status: .Error).show()