thinca / vim-quickrun

Run commands quickly.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Outputter buffer additional adjustments possible?

koblihh opened this issue · comments

I would like to set the quickrun outputter buffer with norelativenumber and nonumber.

I have tried adding the following commands with no success, unfortunately.

augroup quickRunOutputBuffer
  autocmd FileType quickrun setlocal norelativenumber nonumber 
  autocmd FileType qf setlocal norelativenumber nonumber 
augroup END

autocmd BufReadPost,BufNewFile quickrun setlocal nonumber nowrap

Any suggestions / help will be greatly appreciated!

This is my current solution of the issue above.

augroup QuickRunTerminalOutputBuffer
  autocmd CursorMoved *
        \ if &buftype ==# 'terminal' |
        \  setl norelativenumber nonumber |
        \ endif
augroup END

I would greatly appreciate it to have your feedback / suggestions on improving the code.

This didn't work for me but I found the following persists after running in the window once. Perhaps something about neovim?

:set nornu nonu nocuc nocul fdc=0