thibaudgg / video_info

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YouTube Avaible Status

caiotarifa opened this issue · comments


I am having a strange problem with a YouTube video that is unavailable, but the avaible method is returning as true.

I noticed in the method's code returns true to any status unless it is rejected.

Looking at the YouTube documentation, I think other status should be considered, like deleted and failed.

Caio Tarifa

Hi @caiotarifa,

Thanks for the report. I have a few questions:

  1. Can you link me to the video in question?
  2. Are you using the scraper or the API? If you didn't provide an API key, you're using the scraper.
  3. What version of Ruby are you running?

As for other statuses, I agree. I think available? should remain boolean, but I'd defiantly consider another method for more details. Perhaps called status or something.

I agree @vheuken, but deleted and failed should return false and not true.

@caiotarifa I agree. Can you link me to the video in question? It'd make it easier to have a URL on hand for when I try to fix it tonight.

@caiotarifa I have tried the following videos:

All three seem to be unavailable for different reasons, and available? returns false for all of them. Please link me to the video you are having issue with.

Hi, @vheuken.

I am sorry, I was trying with an embed URL.

(Maybe it could be a feature? 😄 )

I'll think about that. That could be a good idea. I'm closing this issue, though.