thias / puppet-nagios

Puppet Nagios module

Repository from Github https://github.comthias/puppet-nagiosRepository from Github https://github.comthias/puppet-nagios

nagios service is not restarted when services and hosts are removed

vchepkov opened this issue · comments


I noticed when services or hosts are removed nagios service is not restarted.
Bug or I forgot to turn on some flag?


I think it's unfortunately more of a limitation : Since all of the resources (hosts, services, etc.) are exported resources which get purged, it seems to work to have new ones notify the service, but removed ones don't seem to be possible to track in a way where they could also notify the service.

If you do find a solution or workaround, please do post it. In any case, "no, it's not just you" :-)

I submitted a PR #79 to address the issue