thiagocordeiro / laravel-translator

Search translation keys and insert into json to be translated

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Keys with escaped single or double quote (', ") do not work

yya opened this issue · comments

When having single or double quotes in the keys the scanner does not work properly even if the quotes are escaped with ''.

Using the regex using in $stringPattern from this package can help:

Work around (blade template):

{{ __('You :cant choose :other. ', ['cant' => 'can\'t', 'other' => '"Other"']) }}

Work around (blade template):

{{ __('You :cant choose :other. ', ['cant' => 'can\'t', 'other' => '"Other"']) }}

This will still have the issue with the strings can't and "Other" (or anything else you might use with this workaround) not being translated though.