thevasudevgupta / gsoc-wav2vec2

GSoC'2021 | TensorFlow implementation of Wav2Vec2

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Kaggle TPU loading/ initialization fails

mnansary opened this issue · comments

Really awesome work.
I was able to work with the tf-hub layer with the following code in kaggle TPU

    load_locally = tf.saved_model.LoadOptions(experimental_io_device='/job:localhost')
    pretrained_layer = hub.KerasLayer("",load_options=load_locally,trainable=True)
    inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=cfg.audio_shape)
    states = pretrained_layer(inputs)
    logits= tf.keras.layers.Dense(cfg.vocab_len)(states)
    model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=logits)

However, I need to load a custom model (which converts fine with your provided code and is available here: )

but while working with TPU, this fails

tf_model = Wav2Vec2Model(config)

This specific section worked for GPU after conversion in this script:
but fails in this
kaggle notebook:

  • jit_complie is not a recognized parameter in kaggle TPU @tf.function.

please help. Any guidance is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

hello @mnansary,

ideally, when doing initialization on TPUs, it should call but for some reason, it's calling the except statement. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to find time to debug that atm :(

But, one simple workaround would be to pass input_shape=None when doing model initialization and build the model in a regular way by yourself.

tf_model = Wav2Vec2Model(config, input_shape=None)

# but now you need to build model weights by yourself before calling `.summary`
# just like any other regular TensorFlow model

Let me know if that works or if you still get an error.

Also, you can refer this script:

this script works end2end on TPU nodes (at least tested for Cloud TPU).

Hi, thanks a lot for your instructive replies. Really appreciated.
I really couldn't get it to work with input_shape=None ( in CPU and TPU). It behaved as you expected in GPU.
I ended up creating a wav2vec2 layer instead of a model class ( and now it works as I wanted it. However, i don't think what I did is a good thing but it sort of serves my purpose, so thank you. Closing this issue. Again really awesome work.