thestarboy / Global-Flow-Local-Attention

The source code for paper "Deep Image Spatial Transformation for Person Image Generation"

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The source code for our paper "Deep Image Spatial Transformation for Person Image Generation" (to appear in CVPR2020)

Our model can be flexibly applied to tasks requiring spatial transformations such as:

  • Pose-based Image Generation:

Left: generated results of our model; Right: Input source images.

  • Image Animation

From Left to Right: Real Video; Extracted Pose; Animation Results.

Left: Input image; Right: Output results.

  • View Synthesis

Form Left to Right: Input image, Results of Appearance Flow, Results of Ours, Ground-truth images.




  • Python 3
  • pytorch (1.0.0)
  • CUDA
  • visdom

Conda installation

# 1. Create a conda virtual environment.
conda create -n gfla python=3.6 -y
source activate gfla

# 2. Install dependency
pip install -r requirement.txt

# 3. Build pytorch Custom CUDA Extensions

Note: The current code is tested with Tesla V100. If you use a different GPU, you may need to select correct nvcc_args for your GPU when you buil Custom CUDA Extensions. Comment or Uncomment --gencode in block_extractor/, local_attn_reshape/, and resample2d_package/ Please check here for details.



  • Download the Market-1501 dataset from here. Rename bounding_box_train and bounding_box_test as train and test, and put them under the ./dataset/market directory
  • Download train/test key points annotations from Google Drive including market-pairs-train.csv, market-pairs-test.csv, market-annotation-train.csv, market-annotation-train.csv. Put these files under the ./dataset/market directory.


  • Download of the DeepFashion Dataset from In-shop Clothes Retrieval Benchmark.

  • Unzip You will need to ask for password from the dataset maintainers. Then put the obtained folder img_highres under the ./dataset/fashion directory.

  • Download train/test key points annotations and the dataset list from Google Drive including fashion-pairs-train.csv, fashion-pairs-test.csv, fashion-annotation-train.csv, fashion-annotation-train.csv, train.lst, test.lst. Put these files under the ./dataset/fashion directory.

  • Run the following code to split the train/test dataset.

    python script/


The trained weights of our model can be downloaded from Fashion, Market, Face (coming soon), ShapeNet(coming soon).

Put the obtained checkpoints under the correct directory of result.

Run the following codes to obtain the pose-based transformation results.

# Test over the DeepFashion dataset 
python \
--name=pose_fashion_checkpoints \
--model=pose \
--attn_layer=2,3 \
--kernel_size=2=5,3=3 \
--gpu_id=0 \
--dataset_mode=fashion \
--dataroot=./dataset/fashion \

# Test over the market dataset
python \
--name=pose_market_checkpoints \
--model=pose \
--attn_layer=2 \
--kernel_size=2=3 \
--gpu_id=0 \
--dataset_mode=market \
--dataroot=./dataset/market \

You can use the provided evaluation codes to evaluate the performance of our model.

# evaluate the performance (FID and LPIPS scores) over the DeepFashion dataset.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m  script.metrics \
--gt_path=./dataset/fashion/test_256 \
--distorated_path=./eval_results/fashion \
--fid_real_path=./dataset/fashion/train_256 \

# evaluate the performance (FID and LPIPS scores) over the Market dataset.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m  script.metrics \
--gt_path=./dataset/market/test_12864 \
--distorated_path=./eval_results/market \
--fid_real_path=./dataset/market/train_12864 \


  • We calculate the LPIPS scores using the code provided by the official repository PerceptualSimilarity. Please clone their repository and put the folder PerceptualSimilarity to the folder script.
  • For FID, the real data distributions are calculated over the whole training set.


We train our model in stages. The Flow Field Estimator is first trained to generate flow fields. Then we train the whole model in an end-to-end manner.

For example, If you want to train our model with the DeepFashion dataset. You can use the following code.

# First train the Flow Field Estimator.
python \
--name=fashion \
--model=pose_flow \
--attn_layer=2,3 \
--kernel_size=2=5,3=3 \
--gpu_id=0 \
--dataset_mode=fashion \

# Then, train the whole model in an end-to-end manner.
python \
--name=fashion \
--model=pose \
--attn_layer=2,3 \
--kernel_size=2=5,3=3 \
--gpu_id=0 \
--dataset_mode=fashion \
--dataroot=./dataset/fashion \

The visdom is required to show the temporary results. You can access these results with:


Other Application

Our model can be flexibly applied to tasks requiring spatial transformation. We show two examples: Image Animation and View Synthesis.

Image Animation

Given an input source image and a guidance video sequence depicting the structure movements, our model generating a video containing the specific movements. We use the real video of the FaceForensics dataset here. See for more details.

View synthesis

View synthesis requires generating novel views of objects or scenes based on arbitrary input views. In this task, we use the car and chair categories of the ShapeNet dataset. See for more details.


The source code for paper "Deep Image Spatial Transformation for Person Image Generation"



Language:Python 86.2%Language:Cuda 13.0%Language:C++ 0.8%