theseer / fDOMDocument

An Extension to PHP's standard DOM to add various convinience methods and exceptions by default

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

method setAttribute is missing

semanticfire opened this issue · comments

In the original fcms implementation there was a setAttribute function, tried to add the code below:

public function setAttribute($attr, $value, $keepEntities=false) {
if ($keepEntities === true) {
$attrNode = $this->ownerDocument->createAttribute($attr);
if (!$attrNode) return false;
$attrNode->value = $value;
return $attrNode;
return parent::setAttribute($attr, $value);

this restores that functionality

fDomElement is what I'm talking about....

Going to re-add this feature with the next fDOM Release.

Implemented with commit de14408