thephpleague / container

Small but powerful dependency injection container

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Too few arguments to function {closure}(), 0 passed and exactly 1 expected

burzum opened this issue · comments

Too few arguments to function {closure}(), 0 passed and exactly 1 expected

So why am I getting the error for this? I've checked a few tickets but couldn't really figure out why this won't work for me. We are using version 3.2.

use League\Container\Container;

$container = new Container();
$container->add('app.database.connection.default', function () {
	return new \PDO('mysql:dbname=test', '', '');
$container->add(\App\Infrastructure\Authentication\ServiceProvider::class, function($container) {
	return new \App\Infrastructure\Authentication\ServiceProvider($container->get('app.database.connection.default'));
$container->add(\Phauthentic\Authentication\AuthenticationServiceProviderInterface::class, \App\Infrastructure\Authentication\ServiceProvider::class);

Hi, when resolving definitions via a closure you're in control about what is passed to the closure as you won't always need the container.

If you change the code above to this it should work fine.

$container->add(\App\Infrastructure\Authentication\ServiceProvider::class, function($container) {
	return new \App\Infrastructure\Authentication\ServiceProvider($container->get('app.database.connection.default'));