themsaid / ibis

A PHP tool that helps you write eBooks in markdown and convert to PDF.

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HTML required as an output for technical books

alexellis opened this issue · comments

Hi, the HTML is required for working through technical labs where you need to copy and paste code samples, my eBook has a lot of samples and unfortunately they are broken up over multiple pages which makes working through the content difficult.

Given that this seems to create HTML then print that to PDF, it should be possible. Can you consider just outputting HTML by default along with the main PDF?

It would be a great addition.

I also would prefer to give a PNG (high-res) than JPEG for the cover image, but had to fork IBIS to achieve that. Can you make it look for either - or move to PNG by default (lossless)?


I have the same need.
I was also doing a "fork", but in the end I chose to have a separate specific process for producing HTML starting from the Markdown files.