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Route controller declaration using array syntax

jlambe opened this issue · comments

  • Themosis Version: 3.0.0
  • WordPress Version: 6.1.1
  • PHP Version: 8.1


ReflectionFunction::construct(): Argument 1 ($function) must be of type Closure|string, array given {"userId":null,"email":null,"exception":"[object] (TypeError(code: 0): ReflectionFunction::construct(): Argument 1 ($function) must be of type Closure|string, array given at C:...\vendor\illuminate\routing\RouteSignatureParameters.php:27)

Steps to reproduce

Define a post-type archive / WordPress route using this syntax:

Route::any('post-type-archive', ['news', 'uses' => [NewsController::class, 'index']]);

Expected behavior

Being able to reach the defined endpoint without triggering any exceptions.