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Archive returns last post in loop in stead of current pages content.

michaelmano opened this issue · comments

  • Themosis Version: 2.0.0
  • WordPress Version: 5.9.1
  • PHP Version: 7.4.2


Custom post type archive $post variable returns the last post in the wp loop, This archive has the same slug as a page and was hoping to use the pages content on the archive page.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a custom post type
  2. Setup routes
Route::match(['get', 'post'], 'postTypeArchive', ['movies', 'uses' => 'MovieController@archive']);
    public function archive(\WP_Post $post, \WP_Query $query)
        dd($post); // This returns the last "movie" or what ever your custom post is.
        return view('templates.movies.archive', [
            'post' => $post,
            'movies' => $query->get_posts(),

Expected behavior

Return the current pages content. (based off the slug)

Hello @michaelmano, thanks for taking the time to report this.

A WordPress archive endpoint is used to list a "collection" of posts. The available $post variable provided by the controller method is just a reference to the WordPress global $post object and will always hold the last "post" object for the current WordPress Loop aka the WP_Query object provided as a second argument. This is not an error as the endpoint is only hit once, it won't be looped and call the controller n times.

This behavior is the same for anything related to a collection: archive, category, tags, taxonomy, ... The $post object is holding the last post values.

If you need to get the expected collection of posts for an archive endpoint, simply use the provided $query object and call the $query->get_posts() method to return an array of posts (movies in this case).

I'm closing this issue as this is not a code issue.