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Support onopen callback as an alternative to bind:open

jennydaman opened this issue · comments


Support onopen (and onclose, or ontoggle) callback as an alternative to bind:open for the AccordionItem component (and potentially others).

Basic example

<script lang="ts">
import { Accordion, AccordionItem } from "flowbite-svelte";
type Props = {
  items: string[]
const { items }: Props = $props();
let open: { [key: string]: boolean } = $state({});

  {#each items as item}
      onopen={() => { open[item] = true; }}
      onclose={() => { open[item] = false; }}


As the example above shows, when a component has <AccordionItem> in the body of an #each expression iterating over something (which should be) immutable (such as a $prop or $derived), we cannot do bind:open.

Since bind:open requires the use of $state, in this use case it is necessary to use the state-syncing antipattern.$effect#When-not-to-use-effects

The svelte documentation recommends the callbacks pattern as an alternative to state-syncing.

I figured out a better solution using :bind and setters (and no $effect):

<script lang="ts">
  import { Accordion, AccordionItem } from "flowbite-svelte";
  type Props = {
    items: string[]
  const { items }: Props = $props();

  const selected: Set<string> = $state(new Set());

  class OpenState {
    readonly item: string;
    constructor(item: string) {
      this.item = item;
    get open() {
      return selected.has(this.item);
    set open(open: boolean) {
      if (open) {
      } else {

  const states = $derived( => new OpenState(item)));

  {#each states as state}
    <AccordionItem bind:open={}>

Well done. I close the issue for now. Thank you for your contribution.
FYI: see all the svelte event handlers at

onopen callback would be preferable to setters because setters require boilerplate*, but I suppose this issue can be closed because it’s low priority.

*some PL people perceive setters to be a footgun of a programming language feature.