Nyambura's repositories
Thanks for stopping by. My Portfolio includes my acquired skills and the projects that I'm currently working on
This is a team project that I was responsible to work on the about us page. NAACAS 7s. The Web app registers suppliers who NAACAS 7s have vetted and qualified for tendering for a procuring company. It eases a procures burden of sourcing companies to supply a tender.
It is an Event ticket selling Application. Users are able to know the upcoming Entertainment events, subscribe to them, and buy their tickets. N-Tiko brings the youth together through live experiences near them. Discover events that match your passions, or create your own with N-Tiko Application today.
Whoa! First JAVA Project. A Caesar cipher is a type of substitution in which each letter is shifted a certain number of places also known as a key, down the alphabet. For example, with a shift of 1, A would be replaced by B, B would become C, and so on.
Repository of the elewa website redesign. This is a website which uses Angular Universal to render while integrating webflow CMS blog posts
JAVA Android group project of Leisure App that suggest to the user a random activity to indulge in when they are bored. REST API is called from http://www.boredapi.com/
An Angular Project that enables the user to their enter a GitHub username into a form, submit it, and see names and descriptions of that person's public repositories. A person can also look for repositories Objectives: Test my overall Angular skills using Dependency injection and connecting to httpclient
A Java program using Interfaces, Data Access Objects and Postgres to create a hero app for Catch Up purposes
Kibo Final Project: Inlane Enterprises Graphic Design and Digital Printing House
Web Foundation class recreation assignment
JAVA Android Property Management App that allows a manager to add their properties, tenants and also units in their respective properties.
MyQuotes is an application where users can create quotes and have those quotes voted on whether they are terrible or are inspirational.
JAVA Android Project
Patient Registry is an Android App with an objective of registering patients living with rare conditions in Kenya,
Local Environment Setup Guides for Kibo
The Cat App is an Android App that displays cat information about their name, life span and Tolerance. The App consumes REST API from information from `https://docs.thecatapi.com/api-reference/breeds/breeds-list`
Config files for my GitHub profile.
A JAVA Web App that records wildlife tracking list
Angular refresher course with Envato tuts+ tutorial