thekeenant / tabbed

:book: Minecraft library for manipulating the tablist per player.

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1.9 Invisible Players

thekeenant opened this issue · comments

Hey, i came on here to report the issue, just to find out its already posted here. My real issue is that im not even running 1.9 im running 1.8.8

INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-5f38d38-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8) (Implementing API version 1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)

Are you allowing 1.9 players via any special plugin? @danieltabrizian

Nope, do you know any version you have tested that this issue isnt present on?

How can i make players appear visible?

There is no fix right now. Minecraft changed the way players are spawned making it difficult for tablist plugins like this.

I might get to working on it today. @danieltabrizian

I've got a solution in the works!

I worked on this too today,
I noticed if i disable the tablist on playerjoin and then reset it a second after the player is joined the tablist will showup correctly without the players being hidden. But when the players despawn on their screens it wont spawn again when they get closer and i cant figure out how to use the packet: "PacketPlayOutNamedEntitySpawn" which gets callled when it tries to spawn the entity again.
Btw, are you saying the fix will be for 1.9 because im on 1.8.3 and so are my test clients

I am focusing on 1.9 currently, but maybe this would fix the same issue in 1.8.

I think it would work to listen to the spawn packets, cancel them, send a player info packet, and resend the spawn packet after a small delay.

I tried to do that but i am not too familiar with packets so i didnt really knew how to. Can you guide me to the right direction please?

I know how to listen for the spawn packet
Just how to i create both of the other packets?

I am adding it into Tabbed itself!

Really? By when can i have it?

Depends on if this works, I don't know really :S

@danieltabrizian Try the latest build? Name tags might be breaking though.

The latest works, doesn't break name tags, but only works with a full tab list (table tablist 4x20)


Where can i get the compiled jar?

Moving to a separate issue #10 now.

When initiating "PlayerTabItem" it will throw a nullpointer:

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.keenant.tabbed.tablist.SimpleTabList.getUpdate( ~[?:?] at com.keenant.tabbed.tablist.SimpleTabList.getUpdate( ~[?:?] at com.keenant.tabbed.tablist.SimpleTabList.update( ~[?:?] at com.keenant.tabbed.tablist.SimpleTabList.update( ~[?:?] at com.keenant.tabbed.tablist.SimpleTabList.set( ~[?:?] at com.keenant.tabbed.tablist.SimpleTabList.set( ~[?:?] at com.keenant.tabbed.tablist.TableTabList.set( ~[?:?] at solutions.elitedev.potionpvp.Tab.TabManager.createTab( ~[?:?] at solutions.elitedev.potionpvp.Tab.TabManager.onJoin( ~[?:?]

Can I see your code, that would only happen when a null skin is supplied.

PlayerProvider ppv = new PlayerProvider() {
public String get(Player player) {
return ChatColor.DARK_AQUA+player.getName();
for(int i = 0;i < tab.getRows() && i != players.size();i++){
Player pget= players.get(i);
tab.set(2, i+1, new PlayerTabItem(pget, ppv));
}catch(Exception e){


Try the latest:

If it doesn't work, send me some more of your code, wherever you do tab things.

When is that latest version posted?

About 10 minutes ago.