theironcook / Kojak

A Simple JavaScript Performance Profiler

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add Mean / Fastest / Slowest for funcPerf stats

okor opened this issue · comments

In addition to the accumulative execution time stats for X number of function calls I think that mean, fastest and slowest (min/max) would also be very helpful data points. Thoughts?

@okor , yeah, this type of data would probably make sense for some people. I don't want to add too much because I want it to be simple and fast for people to use and understand. But I can see the information is useful.

Some clarification on what you think these values actually mean.

mean IsolatedTime - this is basically just IsolatedTime / CallCount - correct?
mean WholeTime - WholeTime / CallCount - correct?

Right now, the funcPerf sortBy option basically tells you what the max cumulative Isolated/Whole time is across the instrumented code - its the top row. I'm not sure anyone will care about the min times.

If you are thinking about max for any given SINGLE function call - the profiler doesn't really have any concept of that right now but I'm not sure if it's useful. Maybe it is.

I could also calculate standard deviations etc. but I'm not sure anyone would care...

Q: mean IsolatedTime - this is basically just IsolatedTime / CallCount - correct?
A: Yes, exactly.

Q: mean WholeTime - WholeTime / CallCount - correct?
A: Yep

My reasoning for asking for the mean/fastest/slowest metrics is to assist in finding troublesome functions, which might have deviations in performance depending on things like how many objects are passed into a function. For instance, a function that iterates over a list of objects and then applies a second iterator, etc. I've seen this a number of times when using functions from libraries like underscore inside of a loop. Seems harmless enough when writing the function, but that functions performance may vary wildly over the lifetime of the application session, depending on the context. Does that make sense?

@okor ,

OK, adding the columns AvgIsolatedTime, AvgWholeTime is pretty simple. And users could sortBy those fields as well fairly easily.

You have a good point about wild variance for a function depending on the data etc. Now I understand what you are going for. I don't think the mins are very useful though.

So, for each function reported in funcPerfs() I could also include maxIsolatedTime, maxWholeTime which is the maximum time for all of the times the function was invoked. I could also include the standard deviation but I'm not sure anyone would care / understand that metric.

I'm going to wait a day or two to make the change to make sure I'm not missing anything. Let me know what you think.

@okor - I just noticed you wrote a chrome extension before:
Any chance you want to write a chrome extension for Kojak? It would be neat if the Kojak results were shown on a chrome tab nicely formatted etc...


I like the simplicity of adding the single "max" metric. I believe that would provide the data needed to spot unexpected performance variations. Like you mentioned, standard deviation is probably not necessary.

As for the plugin, I can look into it. My colleagues mentioned the same idea but we weren't sure if access restrictions would be a problem. Anyway, I think it's a good idea. If a regular plugin won't work, extending chrome dev tools is another possibility.


I've added AvgIsolatedTime, AvgWholeTime, MaxIsolatedTime, MaxWholeTime to funcPerf() and funcPerfAfterCheckpoint().

Yes, I'd love it if you or someone could extend the chrome dev tools (similar to the angular tab) for Kojak.