theforeman / puppet-foreman_proxy

Puppet module for Foreman Smart Proxy

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dhcp not present in smartProxies v

sferry opened this issue · comments

I am trying to update some old configuration. Now I am with:
module foreman-proxy;14.0.2
module dhcp 6.0.0
(and some modules dependencies)
Puppet 6.28
puppetserver 6.20
I use a test VM as puppetserver, it is not the PuppetCA, and at this point I don't see any issue.

I updated the modules to :
module foreman-proxy;15.2.0
module dhcp 6.2.0

In the Foreman GUI I have these feature enabled-OK :
HTTPBoot, Logs, Puppet, Puppet CA, TFTP
I did not configured the CA : it should not be there , and it is failed in the PuppetCA tab.
DHCP is not there (after the update).

I did enable the dhcp with
class { ::foreman_proxy:
dhcp => true,
But it does not appear in any tab overview or services
and i cannot define it in the subnets.
Though DHCP is running :
systemctl status dhcp.service
And if I change the path's or file's acl of /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
smartProxies > Overview shows Failed feature : dhcp and dhcp_isc ( the acl error: i had to force 0755 instead of 0750)

I do not have error log messages; the issue appears when I create a new host : everything goes fine but since there is no there is nothing to boot from.

Could anyone give me a idea on where could be my mistake ? module compatibility ?
thanks for any help.


This is a very old version of Foreman. Though this particular area hasn't really changed for a while, it's a likely suspect.

smartProxies > Overview shows Failed feature : dhcp and dhcp_isc ( the acl error: i had to force 0755 instead of 0750)

This looks like your problem. Though since bde9c88 we should manage this with ACLs. You don't mention exactly what the ACL error is, so it's hard to say what's going on.