theforeman / puppet-foreman_proxy

Puppet module for Foreman Smart Proxy

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

foreman 1.22 / puppet 5 needs puppet_version in puppet.yml

robertvargason opened this issue · comments


we are using foreman 1.22 with puppet 5.5.14. when I rolled out the new module version 12.0.0, the module changed /etc/foreman-proxy/settings.d/puppet.yml to no longer contain puppet_version:

-:puppet_version: 5.5.14

which led to an error when restarting the smart-proxy:

[E] Disabling all modules in the group ['puppet'] due to a failure in one of them: Parameter ':puppet_version' is expected to have a non-empty value

therefore I think the value for puppet_version still needs to be included in the puppet.yml template.

thanks a lot

Thansk for the early feedback. Normally I'm quite strict at maintaining compatibility with older versions, but looks like this time I only kept the 1.23+ version by mistake. Here is where the regression was introduced:


@robertvargason could you come up with a patch and verify it works in your environment? I'll happily do a 12.0.1 release after.

the local fix I had to make to get it up and running again was to re-add the line

:puppet_version: <%= @puppetversion %>

to the file templates/puppet.yml.erb
(for spec tests spec/classes/foreman_proxy__spec.rb needs ":puppet_version: #{Puppet.version}",)

thanks a lot

@ekohl I have created a PR that fixes this issue.

This has been released in 12.0.1