thednp / kute.js

KUTE.js is a JavaScript animation engine for modern browsers.

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async/ non-blocking tween calculation

HannesGitH opened this issue · comments

since the tween calculation is very slow, it would be nice if it was async, ran in another web-worker

This feature is real cool indeed, just I don't have the time to develop.

understandable :)

i dont have time to dig through this package, but i managed to tuck together an fromToAsync without touching your code ;)


export interface TweenResultMessage {
	error?: String;
	data?: KUTE.Tween;

export interface TweenInputMessage {
	elem: Element;
	from: KUTE.tweenProps;
	to: KUTE.tweenProps;
	opts?: KUTE.tweenOptions;


import KUTE from 'kute.js';
import type {TweenInputMessage, TweenResultMessage} from './interface';

onmessage = (e:MessageEvent<TweenInputMessage>):void => {
  const {elem, from, to, opts} =;
  try {
    const tween = KUTE.fromTo(elem, from, to, opts)
    postMessage({data: tween} as TweenResultMessage);
  } catch (error) {
    postMessage({error} as TweenResultMessage);

export {};


import TweenCalculationWorker from "./morphWorker?worker";
import type {TweenInputMessage, TweenResultMessage} from './interface';
import type KUTE from "kute.js";

const fromToAsync = (elem:Element, from:KUTE.tweenProps, to:KUTE.tweenProps, opts:KUTE.tweenOptions):Promise<KUTE.Tween> => {
    const worker = new TweenCalculationWorker();
    worker.postMessage({elem, from, to, opts} as TweenInputMessage);
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        worker.onmessage = (e:MessageEvent<TweenResultMessage>) => {
            const m =;
            if (m.error) reject(m.error);
            else resolve(;

export default {fromToAsync};


import KUTEA from 'KUTEAsync'
const tween = await KUTEA.fromToAsync(...args);

maybe someone in this future can use this as a basis to actually implement this in KUTE

Wow you are awesome! Thanks for that!