thecodeteam / gorackhd

Go bindings for the RackHD API

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How to properly embed gorackhd in another project?

codenrhoden opened this issue · comments

My question here is stemming from #10. when working on, I had originally started by working with gorackhd directly. Because of that, I had previously go install'd it.

To use gorackhd, you have to go install it, then do a make to generate the clients with go-swagger. When you run make, gorackhd uses glide to grab its dependencies and throw them in gorackhd/vendor.

At first I went down a path that let me to #10, whereby I was no longer using Glide in my project and was counting on having previously go install'd gorackhd. I had forgotten how I got there, and @clintonskitson pointed out that was the wrong way to do things. I do need to use Glide and have gorackhd in there as my dependency.

However, now I'm stuck on what to do next. If I use Glide to install gorackhd, it is not going to run make for me. I'd still have to run make manually (or add it to a make in rackhdcli, which seems less than ideal). In the end, I'm not seeing how I can ever do go install rackhdcli and get something working as long as that make step is in there.

On a side note, if I go into my resulting vendor'd copy of gorackhd and run make, I still end up with a second vendor directory and end up with mis-matched types. But I think this is an additional result of the make process.

Just for clarity, here is my glide.yaml:

- package:
  - client
- package:
  - client
- package:
- package:

Am I doing this completely wrong?

@codenrhoden It would be wrong to assume that go install rackhdcli will work. Because of dependencies and the fact that we do not embed those in the repos, this method won't work. It would be a go get -d rackhdcli followed by a make to build it properly. We don't expect people to interface with it in this way anyhow. The artifacts from the CI in Travis should yield uploads to bintray, which represent the best approach to running rackhdcli.

Which package is complaining? Have you tried adding it to the glide file?

@codenrhoden as i had mentioned in our slack convo, I wouldn't focus on the go get method to install your CLI. Instead, as @clintonskitson said, use binaries. Use your local system with all the files necessary to build the binary package, then you can use that as your release.

curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` >/usr/local/bin/rackhd &&  chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rackhd

Going this route satisfies the majority of people and requires only individuals wishing to contribute to your repo to follow all the make steps and have gorackhd available locally.

I can definitely close this now. From working with docker-machine-rackhd, and creating the rackhdcli (my first go projects), I understand a lot better what needs to happen.

I didn't understand all those months ago how to properly use Glide, and how to flatten multiple projects dependencies into one vendor directory.