thecodeteam / goisilon

Isilon package that provides API bindings for Go

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to use access points?

adidenko opened this issue · comments

I was provided with Isilon user/pass and it has a namespace (access point) and appropriate fs path.

Namespace (access point): svc_dev
FS path: /ifs/data/dev/svc

So when I use URL like https://rest.myisilon.local:8080/namespace/svc_dev/ I can create new folders, list contents, delete folder, etc. But for setting quota or for mounting share I should specify FS path (/ifs/data/dev/svc). But this library supports only one path for both, URL and FS.

For example:

curl -i -k --user "user:pass" https://rest.myisilon.local:8080/namespace/svc_dev/test01 \
  -X PUT -H "x-isi-ifs-target-type:container"

Creates folder /ifs/data/dev/svc/test01

So for CreateIsiVolume I need to use /svc_dev/test01 path, but for SetIsiQuotaHardThreshold I need to use /ifs/data/dev/svc/test01.

Is there any way I can work this around? Or am I missing something? Thanks!