thecoder-001 / MineColab

Run Minecraft Server on Google Colab.

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[Feature Request] How to run forge 1.18.1

Sgambe33 opened this issue · comments

Hi, I tried installing forge but since java 17 they changed the way to start the server. You now have to start a bash file instead of a jar. I was wondering if forge support could be added considering that when I try to run the bash it gives me serveral errors.

Unfortunately, I'm not able to get a lot of spare time these days to work on my projects (uni exams) and development of the project has slowed down. While it would be nice to have forge support out of the box, for now you can try to change:

java $memory_allocation $server_flags -jar $jar_name nogui



and edit the file user_jvm_args.txt to add -Xmx6144M -Xms6144M in the end and you should be good to go.
Report back if it doesn't works.