thecoder-001 / MineColab

Run Minecraft Server on Google Colab.

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[BUG] World save problem

opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
whenever the run time disconnect's (automatically it shut downs ). Then my world just revert back at its state when i first started the server.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Turned on the server.
joined in.
played and
automattically disconnect's even the browser is on and then whenever i start the server again it reverts back it doesnot save the things which was before that i made but the inventry remains same.

Expected behavior
It shuld start from the same place and the all the things should have been saved properly.


Minecraft server Version
Mod/Datapack list
sleep-most, co-ordinate hud

Additional context
If there is any fix for this please help. I have resetted the server more than 5 times due to this problem now iam reporting it. :)

Hoping For Positive respsone

idk before the 12 hours i stop and save the server...

another topic:
Do you have any idea to reduce lag in modded minecraft?
(c.a 180mods)

now the server is starting slower i guess due to the intensive use of people but in night it open fastly :(

another topic:
Do you have any idea to reduce lag in modded minecraft?
(c.a 180mods)
@Merendino1234 you can talk about stuff like that in the discussion section (#13)

automattically disconnect's even the browser is on and then whenever i start the server again it reverts back it doesnot save > the things which was before that i made but the inventry remains same.

That's weird...maybe something to do with autosave timings? There's not much that can be done here on our side, it looks like either your save time in your server config is very long or some mod is acting up. Or it can be a faulty server jar.

@thecoder-001 its set to 1 min atlthough and there is no mod installed its just a paper /spigot

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to pinpoint what exactly was going wrong and others seem to have no problems with it.
Currently closing as stale. Feel free to reopen if the problem reoccurs or you are able to collect more info on the issue.