thecarlhall / playbook-drupal

Ansible playbook for setting up a rudimentary drupal site

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Submit content for Ansible Galaxy?

mpdehaan opened this issue · comments


Recently we've released which is a site that lets people share roles in Ansible with other users.

Would you be interested in submitting this content there so the community can find it?

(NOTE: if you content isn't already in role form, galaxy does require roles, and you should also update any legacy variables like $foo to {{ foo }} at this time as well)

If you are not interested that's totally fine, but I thought I would ask. (Feel free to delete this ticket).

Thanks very much!

Hey @mpdehaan, I would love to submit this to Galaxy! Thanks for poking me about it. I've a touch of clean up to be done before I submit it but it shouldn't be far away.

Ah, looks like I'll need to split this playbook into a role-per-repository setup. It'll take me a bit longer to get around to this but I hope to see it through not long after the new year.

@mpdehaan, I've split up this repository into repository-per-role and submitted the roles to the Galaxy but the import fails. Is there a way to get some hints of what to fix for the import to succeed?

Not sure what's up, can you paste the user and role ID and I'll pass this
to James C. and we can dig around?

We have a note to improve error reporting on import as well, and that
should be in place soon.

On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 11:53 PM, Carl Hall notifications@github.comwrote:

@mpdehaan, I've split up this repository
into repository-per-role and submitted the roles to the Galaxy but the
import fails. Is there a way to get some hints of what to fix for the
import to succeed?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

User ID: 436
Role IDs: 205, 207, 208, 209, 210

Looking forward to your feedback!

Hi @thecarlhall, Galaxy imports require that there be a meta/main.yml file for each role as well. You can generate an empty role template using the command ansible-galaxy init <name>. The resulting meta/main.yml has all of the fields/sections listed that you need to fill out, so if you have any questions just let us know.

Also, there is a mocked up that is generated, that provides the general documentation structure we recommend, so you might want to look at that as well.

Hey, @jimi-c! Thanks so much for the speedy response. I'll work on getting those elements added to my repos and re-import them. The templates sound pretty sweet.

Woot! I seem to have done something right as all of my roles are now imported into the galaxy. I'll continue working to make them better and improve the docs. Thanks so much for your help and guidance.