thec00n / SWC-registry

Smart Contract Weakness Classification and Test Cases

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Smart Contract Weakness Classification Registry


The SWC is a smart contract specific software weakness classification scheme for developers, tool vendors and security practitioners. The SWC does not attempt to reinvent the wheel in regards to classification of security weaknesses. From several schemes that exist in the wider security community, the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) from MITRE stands out in terms of adoption and breadth of coverage. The SWC is loosely aligned to the terminologies and structure used in the CWE while overlaying a wide range of weakness variants that are specific to smart contracts.

The goals of this project are as follows:

  • Provide a straight forward way to classify security issues in smart contract systems.
  • Define a common language for describing security issues in smart contract systems' architecture, design, or code.
  • Serve as a way to train and increase performance for smart contract security analysis tools.


The following terminology is used throughout the SWC:

  • SWC ID: A numeric identifier assigned to a variant (e.g. SWC-100).
  • Variant: A specific weakness that is described in a very low detail specific to Eteherum smart contracts. Each variant is assigned an unique SWC ID.
  • Base/Class: An abstract base description of a class of weaknesses. CWE has a wide range of base/class types that provide a meaningful hierarchal context for smart contract specific weakness variants. Every SWC ID is related to a Base or Class weakness type in the CWE.
  • Test Case: Test cases are the meat of the SWC. They consist of micro-samples and real-world vulnerable smart contracts that demonstrate concrete instances of each SWC variant. Test cases serve as the basis for meaningful weakness classification and are useful to security analysis tool developers.

Creating a new SWC ID

Make sure that there is no matching weakness in the registry. Create a file with a new SWC ID in the entries directory. Use the template and describe all weakness attributes.

# Title 
Pick a meaningful title.

## Base/Class ID
Link a CWE base or class type to the variant. 
e.g.  [CWE-682 - Incorrect Calculation](

## Description 
Describe the nature and potential impact of the weakness on the contract system. 

## Remediation
Describe ways on how to fix the weakness. 

## References 
Link to external references that contain useful additional information on the issue. 

Weakness types and test cases can be linked in the following way.

Variant Base/Class Test cases
SWC-100 Function Default Visibility CWE710 - Improper Adherence to Coding Standards visibility_not_set.yaml
SWC-101 Integer Overflow and Underflow CWE-682 - Incorrect Calculation Micro-test-cases, BECToken
SWC-102 Outdated Compiler Version CWE937 - Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities version_0_4_0.yaml

Create a test case

Test cases can (and should) be as varied as possible and include simple test cases and real-world samples of vulnerable smart contracts. The test cases are grouped into subdirectories based on a single weakness variant or based on more complex real world contract systems that can contain various weakness variants. A single test case consists of three files:

  1. A contract file containing zero or more weaknesses (e.g. overflow_simple_add.sol)
  2. A JSON file generated with solc that contains the byte code, AST and source code mappings (e.g. overflow_simple_add.json)
  3. The configuration file defining the types and number of weaknesses contained in the contract file (e.g. overflow_simple_add.yaml)


A test sample consists of a single smart contract and must contain both the source code file and compiled version of that contract. To compile the Solidity code to the correct output format run solc as follows:

$ solc --pretty-json --combined-json ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime overflow_simple_add.sol > overflow_simple_add.json

Copy the Solidity and JSON files into an existing subdirectory in test_cases (or create a new subdirectory if necessary).

Make sure the credit the author and mention the source if you don't write the contract sample yourself.

 * @source: <link>
 * @author: <name>


The configuration contains meta-information about the weaknesses contained in a particular sample. E.g.:

1: description: "Test a simple integer overflow"
2: issues:
3: - id: "SWC-101"
4:   count: 1
5:   locations:
6:   - bytecode_offsets: [101]
7:     line_numbers: [7]
  • Line 1: description provides additional information and context for the test case
  • Line 2: A test case has zero, one or multiple issues that are listed in the configuration file.
  • Line 3: id contains the SWC identifier for the particular weakness. Each weakness is described in a markdown file in the entries directory.
  • Line 4: count is the number of times that the weakness occurs in the sample.
  • Line 5: locations has sub attributes that allow humans and tools to easier identify where a weakness exists in the test case's contract.
  • Line 6: bytecode_offsets is a list of valid byte code offsets that can be reported to identify a weakness.
  • Line 7: line_numbers is a list of valid line numbers that can be reported to identify a weakness.


This repository is maintained by the Mythril team. Join the #swc-registry channel on the Mythril Community Discord Server for discussions.


Smart Contract Weakness Classification and Test Cases