theappbusiness / TABObserverSet

NotificationCenter re-conceptualization for Swift.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Use GitHub Actions instead of Travis

roger-tan opened this issue · comments

In order to update to GitHub Actions.

  • Migrate the codebase to Swift 5. This should be easy to migrate when #21 is merged.
  • Create ci.yml with the following code under. I tested locally so it should work when the project is migrated to Swift 5.
name: TABObserverSet CI

   workflow_dispatch: # This allows you to manually run the workflow from GitHub's web UI
     branches: [ '*' ] # This means this workflow will run when any PR is created or any changes are pushed to a PR, on any branch

     name: Run tests on Xcode 11 and iOS 13
     runs-on: macOS-latest

       - name: Checkout
         uses: actions/checkout@v1
       - name: Set Xcode version to 11.6
         run: sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
       - name: Build for testing
         run:  xcodebuild  build-for-testing -workspace Example/TABObserverSet.xcworkspace -scheme TABObserverSet-Example -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator13.6 -destination "OS=13.6,name=iPhone 11 Pro"
       - name: Test on iPhone 11 Pro
         run:  xcodebuild test-without-building -workspace Example/TABObserverSet.xcworkspace -scheme TABObserverSet-Example -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator13.6 -destination "OS=13.6,name=iPhone 11 Pro" -enableCodeCoverage YES