theKashey / react-focus-lock

It is a trap! A lock for a Focus. 🔓

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Firefox 59 tabbing gets stopped at anchor tags

itsdouges opened this issue · comments

hey kash.

see: in firefox

tab through it, you'll see it stops at the anchor tags.
tab + shift backwards through it, you'll see it jump to the last anchor, then skip to the "close modal" button, and the continue on.

any ideas why this would happen?

Task 1. disable FocusLock and try to repeat.

As I could see FF does not tab on anchors. It just ignores them, (as Safary could do, ie you have to press Option+Tab to tab to "non-input")

How to fix: I've tried all keyboard combination, and I still can't focus on links. Bloody hell! We are dooooomed!

screen shot 2018-03-19 at 1 27 10 pm

FireFox just follows system settings, and focus-lock follow browser behaviour.

I should point this in readme.

Also, FireFox has to be restarted before the change takes effect.