the2hill / repose

The powerful, programmable, API Middleware Platform

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#REPOSE - The REstful PrOxy Service Engine#

Repose is an open-source platform that you can use to build stacks of reusable software components. These components can be leveraged by service developers to perform common API processing tasks. By using Repose's components rather than creating their own, service developers can focus on the unique features of their services.

Repose can be used inside a service to perform API operations. It can also run on one or more separate servers as a proxy to one or more services. At its core, Repose is a proxy that allows services to use Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP).

For more information, see our website and wiki.

##Repose Components##

Completed Repose components include:

  • Client Authentication
  • Rate Limiting
  • Versioning
  • HTTP Logging

Repose components that are currently being developed include:

  • Service Authentication
  • Content Normalization
  • Translation

Repose components that are planned for future development include:

  • Content Negotiation
  • Contract Scope Filter
  • Client Authorization


  • Scalable. Repose is incredibly scalable because it is designed to be stateless, allowing state to be distributed across the web.
  • Flexible. Repose can be run as an executable JAR, deployed as a WAR file in any Servlet container, or deployed on a separate server. Repose's configuration allows a user to define which components to use and details for each component.
  • Extensible. New components can easily be added to Repose.
  • High performance. Repose can handle high loads with high accuracy.
  • Improving. Repose is under development and actively being worked on.

##Installation## You can install/run Repose by several methods:

  • Embedded via the source code (JAR)
  • Proxy Server (via Resource Package Manager (RPM) or via Debian Package (DEB))
  • Proxy Server Cluster

Check out our Configuration Management repositories:

###Embedded Deployment Method###

In an Embedded Repose deployment, Repose is embedded in the other service’s WAR using JEE Specification. The service host also hosts all of Repose's components in the same app container. The servlet container may be Tomcat, Jetty, Glassfish, etc.

This deployment option requires integration with the application code and is not as flexible as the other deployment methods. For this reason, this is not the recommended deployment option.

###ROOT WAR Deployment Method###

With the Root WAR Repose deployment, the Repose Root WAR replaces the root component of the servlet container. The servlet container may be Tomcat, Jetty, Glassfish, etc.

###Proxy Server Deployment Method###

In the Proxy Server deployment, Repose is in an external servlet container. This allows host level routing over the network, so a non-Java service can take advantage of the Repose features.

###Proxy Server Cluster Deployment Method###

Using the Power Proxy Cluster deployment, Repose may be scaled across multiple hosts. This allows faster processing. Auto-balance caching between the nodes will occur on the basis of resources and requests. (Rate Limiting is currently the only component that is able to take advantage of this. For all other components auto-balance caching does not matter.)


###Configuration Features###

Repose supports the following features for configuration management: Runtime updates Fine grained resource locking

###Configuration Expectations###

Repose will search for configurations in a user specified directory. The configuration root directory must be readable (chmod 755) The configuration files should be user readable and writable (chmod 600)

Setting the Configuration Root Directory If using the Valve deployment, simply pass the configuration directory to the Java process using the "-c" option.

If using the WAR deployment, include the following in the $CONTAINER_HOME/conf/context.xml file:
<Context docBase="ROOT.war">
  <Parameter name="powerapi-config-directory" value="/etc/repose" override="false"/>
  <Parameter name="repose-cluster-id" value="repose"/>
  <Parameter name="repose-node-id" value="repose_node1"/>

As an alternative, the web.xml file within the war itself can be modified to include the following:

###Configuration Mappings###

Each Repose component specifies a unique configuration name. The component to configuration name mappings are listed below. Component Configuration Name System system-model.cfg.xml Rate Limiting rate-limiting.cfg.xml Versioning versioning.cfg.xml
Translation translation.cfg.xml Authentication client-auth-n.cfg.xml

##Repose Documentation##

Documentation is included with the source files and may be built with the maven command:

    export MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m'
    mvn clean install -Pdocbook

This will build the documentation pdfs in the generated "target/docbkx/" directory.

##Notes Regarding Licensing##

Original files contained with this distribution of Repose are licensed under the Apache License v2.0 (

You must agree to the terms of this license and abide by them before using, modifying, or distributing Repose or the Repose source code contained within this distribution.

Some dependencies are under other licenses.

By using, modifying, or distributing Repose you may also be subject to the terms of those licenses.

See the full list of dependencies in DEPENDENCIES.txt.

By contributing to this project, you agree to abide to the terms and conditions outlined in CONTRIBUTORS.txt.


The powerful, programmable, API Middleware Platform



Language:Java 42.8%Language:Groovy 39.8%Language:Scala 15.6%Language:XSLT 1.3%Language:Shell 0.5%