the-via / app

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Is it necessary to transmit all macros and entire config to

BangDroid opened this issue · comments

I run Pi-hole and tracked down connections to [string] as coming from the via app.

I was curious what kind of data might be transmitted, I opened dev tools in the electron app and can see ~70kb of json as payload to the above url, which contains all my macros and what looks like the entire configuration for my keyboard and what looks like a few unique ID's. This happens at launch, periodically and every time you switch tabs.

I am wondering is this is really necessary, both the frequency and the scale of data shared. I would never store sensitive information in a macro, but I can't speak for everyone. Is this feature well known? Is there a privacy policy associated with it?

I am not related to VIA at all, but I am a developer which uses Sentry occasionally to track bugs, so I think I can give my two cents here.

I can tell you: your information is anonymized. Even if you were able to log in to the VIA app, it would be anonymized, unless the developers purposefully included personified information in your payload - and that's not easy. It is able to recognize common stuff like passwords and credit cards from the JS side, and clean that up before even sending through the network.

And then, I would say that the information is somewhat relevant to the VIA devs, given some bug might arise from an action you took. This way, they can follow what you were doing that triggered the bug, what's your current state and all, so they can reproduce it on their machines and fix the issue even before you bother reporting it (I mean, if you even noticed the issue, because sometimes I get bugs users don't even notice, and are just lurking around, waiting to combo with some other stuff to really crash our app).

That all said, I do understand it might be data-intensive, specially for big configuration payloads. I wonder if they could add a "data collection for bug reporting" toggle, in case data is indeed a problem for some users.