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[0cf3:e005] DW1707 Qualcomm Atheros QCA9565 - how extract firmware

Drovosek01 opened this issue · comments

Good day.

I have a module DW1707 which has Wifi and bluetooth Atheros 9565 Qualcomm QCA9565. I managed to get the Wifi working properly. Unfortunately, in order for Bluetooth to work in macOS, you must first start Windows, and then reboot into macOS, because when you boot Windows, the bluetooth driver loads the Bluetooth firmware into the module.
I read the documentation and looked at the files in the OS-X-BrcmPatchRAM repository and realized that this kext loads the firmware into the bluetooth module and this firmware is in .plist file as base64 data.
I read the instruction in the README file on how to make a similar kext for my bluetooth module, but there are no files with the extension in the driver files for QCA9565 .hex.

Can anyone help to modify this kekst to download the firmware in my bluetooth QCA9565? I attached the driver files to the post.

Here are the drivers on the official website:
Here are the drivers for bluetooth only:

Product ID: 0xE005
Vendor ID: 0x0CF3