the-Jinxist / ScheduleE

This app uses Android's architectural components: Room, ViewModel, and LiveData to create a lifecycle-aware scheduling app. It also uses Lottie animation and has a pretty sweet UI.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This app uses Android's architectural components: Room, ViewModel and LiveData to create a lifecycyle aware scheduling app. It also uses Lottie animationand has a pretty sweet UI.

SplashScreen Splash screen

Main Activity Main Activity

Add Schedule Activity Adding schedule activity

Showcasing Lottie animation Showcasing lottie animations


This app uses Android's architectural components: Room, ViewModel, and LiveData to create a lifecycle-aware scheduling app. It also uses Lottie animation and has a pretty sweet UI.


Language:Kotlin 100.0%