thanos-io / promql-engine

Multi-threaded PromQL engine implementation based on the Volcano paper.

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Fuzzy query test failed on latest main

yeya24 opened this issue · comments

Fuzzy query test failed on latest main after merging #324.

GH action log:

    enginefuzz_test.go:128: load 30s
        			http_requests_total{pod="nginx-1", route="/"} 1.00+1.00x4
        			http_requests_total{pod="nginx-2", route="/"}  1+2.00x4
    enginefuzz_test.go:129: group by (pod, route) (atanh(-{__name__="http_requests_total"} offset -3m4s))
    enginefuzz_test.go:131: case 43 error mismatch.
        new result: 
        old result: {pod="nginx-1", route="/"} => 1 @[0]
        {pod="nginx-2", route="/"} => 1 @[0]
    enginefuzz_test.go:136: failed 1 test cases
--- FAIL: FuzzDistributedEnginePromQLSmithInstantQuery (1.89s)
    --- FAIL: FuzzDistributedEnginePromQLSmithInstantQuery/seed#0 (1.89s)
FAIL	416.641s

Haven't got the chance to take a closer look. If this is a false positive then we can close.

Hm this could be related to my change, I will take a look tomorrow morning.