thSoft / eclipse-commons

Eclipse Commons

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deadlock on renderjob join

nittka opened this issue · comments

Starting today, Eclipse hangs indefinitely when certain actions concerning the pdf-view are performed. It happens (only) on my ubuntu machine. Causing actions are for example

  • zoom in/out via keys
  • any navigate source to score

The reason is that PdfViewPage#waitForJob does not ever return for the rendering job in some cases. It feels Display.getDefault().syncExec messes up the locking (or rather unlocking)...

I did not have these problems a couple of days ago (no idea what changed). Now, even reverting to commits of both Commons and Elysium from back then, the problem persists. I do not have them with Windows. I guess you don't have them with Mac, @thSoft ?

Introducing a guard for calling the join only if the render job is actually running helps, but it does not feel right, globally.