tf-encrypted / tf-encrypted

A Framework for Encrypted Machine Learning in TensorFlow

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Falling back to insecure randomness

veryhannibal opened this issue · comments

When I run [import tf_encrypted as tfe], I got the warning "Falling back to insecure randomness since the required custom op could not be found for the installed version of TensorFlow. " So how can I fix this problem, thanks.


the same question. I make "", but another question:"Segmentation fault (core dumped)"

the same question. I make "", but another question:"Segmentation fault (core dumped)"

@muou55555 could you give more details on this error? E.g., environment, source code, etc.

When I run [import tf_encrypted as tfe], I got the warning "Falling back to insecure randomness since the required custom op could not be found for the installed version of TensorFlow. " So how can I fix this problem, thanks.

@veryhannibal This is a warning when you don't run 'make' to build the custom op for secure random number generation.